Roseville Energy Park (REP) is owned and operated by Roseville Electric Utility. REP is a 120 MW base load and 160 MW duct fired combined cycle, natural gas fueled power plant. The REP is comprised of two Siemens SGT 800 combustion turbine units and a Siemens STG 900 steam turbine. REP utilizes duct firing within the Heat Recovery Steam Generator. The plant has been in commercial operation since October of 2007, serving as an intermediate load resource for demand needs, and supporting local reliability by being interconnected to the Roseville Electric Utility distribution system.

collage of REP

Roseville Power Plant 2 (RPP2) are simple cycle GE Frame 5 CTs purchased from the NCPA Combustion Turbine No. 1 Project in which Roseville was formerly a participant. On September 1, 2010, Roseville took ownership of two of the five units in the project. RPP2 was purchased to provide capacity and reserves for Roseville. The two units each have a 24 MW nameplate rating, for a total of 48 MW of capacity.