1.Local Housing Trust Funds (LHTF) - Local Housing Trust Project Status: The City has made tentative funding commitments with the developers listed on the City of Roseville Affordable Housing Pipeline report to bring new affordable units to our community.
2. Permanent Local Housing Allocation -
Notice of Document Availability and Public Hearing
Permanent Local Housing Allocation Application
In 2017, Senate Bill 2 (the Building Homes and Jobs Act) created the Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Program. The primary goal of the PLHA program, administered under the State of California's Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), is to create a permanent source of funding available to eligible local governments in California for housing-related projects and programs to address unmet housing needs in local communities.
On February 26, 2020 HCD released a PLHA Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). The Program Guidelines provide for agencies to delegate authority and submit joint applications when appropriate or considered desirable by both parties. The City of Roseville must complete and submit an application as well as prepare and submit a PLHA Plan, approved by City Council. The City of Roseville will also submit an additional application for the City of Rocklin’s funds allocation as allowed in the NOFA.
The table below sets forth the amount of funding allocated in Year 1 (actual) and an estimate of the amount of funding to be received during the five years of the PLHA Plan. Annual amounts will vary year to year based upon revenue realized under SB2. These figures come from HCD's PLHA Notice of Funding Availability and reflect an inflation factor in future years' revenue projections.
Year 1 Allocation
5 Year Estimate
City of Roseville
City of Rocklin
Combined Allocation
Eligible PLHA activities span a variety of undertakings related to housing, with a maximum of 5% to cover the City's program administrative costs. As detailed in the PLHA Plan, the City proposes to fund the current Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing programs which assist persons who are at risk of homelessness or are experiencing homelessness. The programs will include, but are not limited to, providing rapid rehousing, rental assistance, operating and capital costs for navigation centers and supportive/case management services which allow people to obtain and retain housing. The NOFA stipulates that funding must be provided in a manner consistent the Housing First practices described in 25 CCR, Section 8409, subdivision (b)(1)-(6) and in compliance with Welfare Institutions Code (WIC) Section 8255 (b)(8).
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Roseville will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. either in City Council Chambers at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA or, due to public health concerns related to the COVID-19 virus, virtually. If a virtual public hearing is held, the facility will not be accessible to the public. The hearing will be available for live access on Comcast 14, Consolidated Communications 73, AT&T U-verse, and the city’s YouTube channel. It will be available on-demand on the City’s website the following day. Public comment and questions for a virtual hearing may be submitted during the hearing by calling (916) 774-5353 or by emailing publiccomment@roseville.ca.us.
Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. By request, translation services and documents, as well as alternative accessible document formats are available to persons with varying language needs or disabilities. To arrange an alternative agenda document format or to arrange aid or services to modify or accommodate persons with a disability to participate in a public meeting, please contact the City of Roseville by calling 916-774-5270 (voice) or (916) 774-5220 (TDD) a minimum of two business days prior to the meeting.
For additional information on the process or to comment on the documents prior to the Council meeting, please contact Trisha Isom at (916) 746-1239 or tisom@roseville.ca.us.
View the plan here.
SB-341 Annual Reports of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund
SB-341 FY23 Annual Report of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund
SB-341 FY22 Annual Report of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund
SB-341 FY21 Annual Report of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund
The City of Roseville's 10 percent affordable housing goal includes affordable rental units to provide rental housing for low to middle income families. Affordable Rental Housing Development Agreements (ARHDA), Regulatory Agreements and Owner Participation Agreements are the mechanisms by which affordable units are identified. The agreements require affordability be maintained for specific time period. City staff monitors each agreement on an annual basis to ensure compliance and reports its findings to the City Council during a public hearing.