Plan ahead Roseville Conserve Energy and Stay Informed

As your community owned utility, we are here to help you save energy all year long.

During the summer season it's especially important to stay informed and thoughtful about your daily energy use. There are simple adjustments we can all make at home to conserve during peak demand hours (4-9 p.m.). 

Check out our resources below to find out how to save energy this summer and where to get information in the case of a Peak Alert.

Simple no-cost tips to help save energy
  • Start or program your dishwasher and laundry machines to run and finish before 4 p.m. or start after 9 p.m.
  • Wash full loads of laundry whenever possible and switch your temperature setting from hot to cool/cold to cut energy use in half for a single load. Using the cold cycle can reduce energy use a lot. About 90% of the energy consumed for washing clothes is used to heat the water.
  • Try to avoid using multiple appliances like your dishwasher, air conditioner and washer and dryer at the same time between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.
  • Use small appliances to cook. Microwaves, toaster ovens and pressure cookers use about 66% less energy than a conventional oven.
  • Since up to 20% of heating and cooling inside a typical home is lost through the windows, check the weather stripping and caulking around doors and windows.
  • Gaming systems use a lot of energy. Try to avoid using your gaming systems between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. Activate power saving settings and turn off controllers when not in use.
During peak hours - energy saving tips

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During non-peak hours - energy use tips

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