Sign up for Placer Alert (formerly Roseville Alert) to be alerted about emergency events in your neighborhood.
Sign up for free electronic newsletters from the City.
Follow the City's social media accounts. During a storm or emergency, updates will be posted on these. We have accounts on Facebook, NextDoor and X (Twitter).
Power outages may occur during stormy weather. To report or confirm an outage, visit
If you live outside the City of Roseville,
contact Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E).
DO NOT TOUCH downed power lines
If you see a downed power line, do not touch it. Assume it is dangerous and
call 9-1-1 immediately.
To report downed trees and limbs please use the free myRSVL app. Use myRSVL to find information, request non-emergency services or report non-emergency issues on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Learn more at For immediate hazards after hours or on weekends please call police and fire dispatch at (916) 774-5000 x 1.
During a storm, do not walk or drive past barricades or signs warning of flooded areas.
To report localized street flooding or road hazards, please use the myRSVL app to request non-emergency service. Visit on your phone, tablet or computer.
For immediate hazards after hours or on weekends, please call police and fire dispatch at (916) 774-5000 x 1.
To report street flooding for streets located in Placer County, contact
Placer County Public Works.
The City of Roseville opens sandbag pickup locations when creeks are predicted to cause flooding. Sandbags are not provided simply because heavy rains are predicted. Visit for the current status.
City staff monitors the weather and evaluates how predicted rain may affect the city. Roseville has a robust drainage system designed to handle large storm events. Many homes and businesses have been designed and built to be ‘high and dry’ during most storms. If conditions dictate, sandbag stations will be opened.
If you observe local drainage issues, you’re encouraged to report them. Contact Public Works – Street Maintenance by calling
(916) 774-5790 during business hours, or Police and Fire non-emergency dispatch at (916) 774-5000, option #1 after business hours.
To have sandbags readily available for your property, you may pick up supplies at your local home improvement store.
If you are located outside of Roseville city limits, view the
status of sandbag availability in Placer County.
Trails, particularly in low-lying areas, are subject to flooding and temporary closures due to storms.
Never enter an area that's under water.
View current trail closures.
There is a natural curiosity to want to view first-hand the rising water conditions. BE SAFE.
Rising water is dangerous. Stay away from the water and off levees. Pedestrians and vehicles on levees are prohibited, pose a danger to the public, and hinder the efforts of emergency response and flood monitors.
Do not walk through flowing water or drive through flooded areas.
Do not drive during a storm unless necessary. Turn on your headlights when it is raining. Slow down on wet streets.