Commercial Corridors Project: Preliminary draft Specific Plans now available

Updated July 15, 2022
Help shape the Commercial Corridors Project. Preliminary draft Specific Plans are now available for public review and comment. 

View the draft plans

Atlantic Street Corridor Specific Plan Preliminary Draft

Douglas-Harding Corridor Specific Plan Preliminary Draft

Douglas-Sunrise Corridor Specific Plan Preliminary Draft

Attend a workshop

July 28, 6:30 p.m.
Planning Commission Meeting

August 3, 6 p.m.
City Council Meeting

Workshops will be held in the City Council Chambers at 311 Vernon St. in Roseville.

The purpose of these workshops is to inform and provide a forum for community feedback on the preliminary draft plans. 

Workshops will include a presentation by City staff and an opportunity for comments and questions from attendees. 

At their respective workshops, Planning Commission and City Council will have the opportunity to hear community feedback and provide their comments and perspectives, but no action will be taken

These workshops allow the public an opportunity to ask questions and hear community discussion. 

Make a comment

The City of Roseville is seeking community input on these drafts to help shape the goals, policies, design guidelines, and other plan contents. 

To ensure your comments can be incorporated into the plans, please share your comments by email before August 11, 2022.

View the project timeline to see other upcoming opportunities to weigh in on the plans. 

Submit a comment

Learn more

Learn more about the Commercial Corridors Project and next steps