Commercial Corridors Project Update: Upcoming public hearing

Updated December 01, 2022
December 8, 2022 Update: 

The Public Hearing Draft Specific Plans for the Commercial Corridors Project are available for review.

The Planning Commission considered the Commercial Corridors Project at their October 13, 2022 public hearing, and made a non-binding recommendation of approval to City Council. Watch a recording of the Planning Commission hearing.

The City Council hearing had previously been tentatively scheduled for November 16, but the City Council meeting on this date has been canceled. The project has been scheduled for public hearing at City Council on December 21, 2022 at 6 p.m. City Council will consider the project and make a decision whether to approve the Commercial Corridor Plans.

Public hearing notices will be mailed at least 10 days prior to the City Council hearing, and notification will also be emailed and posted on the project website.

Check online for City Council agendas and for meeting details. The City Council meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at 311 Vernon Street in Downtown Roseville.

View the Final Specific Plans.

About the Commercial Corridors Project

The City of Roseville planning and developing three specific plans to encourage pedestrian-friendly design, public amenities, streetscape beautification, appropriate parking, access to transit, flexible and mixed uses and housing for the following commercial corridors: Atlantic Street, Douglas Boulevard and Harding Boulevard, and Douglas Boulevard and Sunrise Avenue. Visit Corridor Plans for more information.