ANNOUNCEMENT!  Beginning March 3, 2025, the Permit Center will undergo a remodel. During this time, a Temporary Permit Center will be established within the building. Signage will be placed in the Civic Center lobby to help direct visitors to the new location.

We will be assisting customers on an appointment only basis as of Monday, March 3.  We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Building Permit submittal process can certainly be a daunting endeavor.  Maybe you’re a homeowner who has decided to obtain your own building permits for an exciting new improvement to your house, or for necessary maintenance projects, like changing out your water heater.  Or you may be new to the industry or to the City of Roseville and are unsure of our requirements.  We hope the following information will help to make the process at least a bit less daunting and much more understandable.  (Click HERE to print the content below in PDF format.)

What do I need to prepare to submit an application for a Building Permit?

Ø  Every project varies, and depending on the project scope, the requirements may vary.  But, here are the basics…

Ø  Quick Building Permits!  These are the most quick and basic permit types for residential (one- or two-family dwelling buildings or townhouse) repairs and maintenance.  We call them “OTCs” (a.k.a. Over The Counter) because these were the application types we used to process and issue at the counter before our online electronic submittal process was implemented.

§  These application types are limited to the following residential (one- or two-family dwelling buildings or townhouse) project scopes:

·         Water heater replacement

·         Sewer line replacement (including trenchless replacement)

·         HVAC and duct equipment changeout

·         Electrical service main panel replacement or upgrade

¨       Written approval from Roseville Electric must be uploaded to the online application.  You can obtain more information regarding this process HERE.

·         Reroof (including tear off and overlay)

¨       Must include a completed/signed CF1R (energy compliance) form valid for the current code cycle.

¨       Please locate our City of Roseville CF1R-ALT-01-E Reroof form on our website HERE.

Ø  All other Building Permit types…  We provide Electronic Submittal Checklists on our website HERE.  Please be sure to find a checklist that is most applicable to your project scope of work.  If you need further assistance determining which checklist would best apply, please feel free to contact us at (916) 774-5332 or [email protected].

§  Application forms:  These documents include the following:

·         Online application:  All permit applications are submitted electronically through our OPS Portal.  You will need to register for an account in order to create a permit application online.

·         Asbestos NESHAPS Declaration of Notification Compliance:  This form is required on all projects that involve renovation, demolition, or remodeling of a building.  (Questions regarding this form?  Please contact the California Air Resource Board directly at [email protected].)

·         Asbestos NESHAP Notification Form:  If any “Yes” is marked on the Asbestos NESHAPS Declaration of Notification Compliance, then this form must be completed/signed and sent to California State Air Resource Board.  A copy of the completed/signed form must be uploaded with the Building Permit application.

·         Air Quality Certificate of Compliance for Residential Construction (residential projects only):  This form is simply a notification.  Signing the form acknowledges that you are aware of Placer County Air Quality restrictions regarding wood burning appliances.

·         Air Quality Supplemental Questionnaire for Commercial Construction (commercial projects only):  This form must be completed for all commercial occupancy and new construction applications and installation of equipment.  Any “Yes” marked on this form will trigger notification to Placer County Air Pollution Control District.

·         Unified Program Consolidated (CUPA):  This form must be completed for all commercial occupancy and new construction applications.  It addresses hazardous materials and waste, and is regulated by the City of Roseville Fire Department.  Any “Yes” marked on this form will trigger notification to the City of Roseville Fire Dept.

§  Project documents:  This is where it gets tricky!  This is the component of the application process that varies the most based on the project scope.  Please follow the Electronic Submittal Checklist that best fits your project scope.

·         These documents include, but are not limited to:

¨       Plans

¨       California Energy Compliance forms

¨       Structural, Truss Calculations

¨       Equipment Specifications

¨       Engineer’s Reports/Letters of Compliance

¨       Calculation worksheets (such as:  Electrical Load Worksheet, Accessibility Worksheet, Plumbing Fixture & Water Pipe Sizing Worksheet, etc.)

·         Bottom line…  When it comes to the construction documents and supporting documents, keep this in mind:

¨       The documents (plans, calcs, worksheets, etc.) should clearly identify the project scope, location on the site, applicable codes, current site conditions, proposed site conditions, and sufficiently instruct us how you’re going to build the project exactly as proposed, without any further explanation or clarification.

How do I submit an application for a Building Permit?

Ø  All applications initially come in as a Preapplication.  So, once you have submitted your preapplication your record will be given a preapplication number in this format:  BD-PREAPP##-#### (e.g., BD-PREAPP23-0859)

Ø  All applications must be submitted electronically online through our OPS Portal.

§  You must have a registered account in order to create an application.

·         Please follow these step-by-step instructions to register for an account.  (Click HERE)

§    Select the “Building/Fire Systems” module.

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§  Select the “Create an Application” link.
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§  Read the disclaimer, then click the box next to “I have read and accepted the above terms.”  Then click the “Continue Application” button.

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§  Complete all fields marked with an asterisk and continue to the following application pages by clicking the “Continue Application” button.

·         Our Electronic Submittal Checklists provide some guidance regarding the dropdown selections applicable to the project scope.  Please reference the checklist for this information.

¨       Example:

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·         If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us at (916) 774-5332 or [email protected].

§  If you should need to step away from your application before submitting, you may click the “Save and resume later” button.

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·         NOTE:  City staff are unable to see your application until you actually submit the application.  You can identify an incomplete/unsubmitted application by the record number format.  These records will show up on your “My Records” list as ##TMP-###### (e.g., 23TMP-002252).

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¨       NOTE:  Temporary applications EXPIRE after 30 calendar days.

·         When you are ready to continue completing your application, select the “Resume Application” link in the far-right column under “Action”.

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Ø  You will have the option to start from the beginning or to pick up where you left off.

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§  Uploading files:  This is where we sometimes wish we were still working with paper documents!  Electronic files consist of many formats, sizing, data, layers, and special features.  It’s important to pay attention to the formatting requirements our database requires in order to avoid delays in processing your documents.

·         You can locate PDF submittal requirements by following this LINK, and the “Attachments” page of the online application has links to helpful videos.

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·         Important things to NOTE!  If you want to avoid unnecessary delays, please do the following:

¨       Keep file names simple.  Some projects may consist of 100+ documents.  The most simple and clear file names are much more easily identified by both applicant and city staff.

Ø  Examples:

§  Plans

§  Structural Calcs

§  T24 Energy Calcs

¨       Avoid all special characters in the file name.  Some special characters are not recognized by the plan check database system and cannot be read.  This may cause a glitch in the system, preventing staff from being able to perform plan review.

¨       Bookmark all Plan File pages/sheets, using ONLY the sheet number.  All other formats will be replaced, causing further delay in accepting the plans for review.

Ø  Correct:  A0.01, A0.2, P1.0, E2.0, etc.

Ø  Incorrect:  A0.01-Site Plan, A0.2 Accessibility, P1.0-Plumbing Schematic 143, E2.0 One Line Diagram, etc.

·         Please follow these step-by-step instructions for uploading documents to your application.  (Click HERE)

·         How to apply file categories:  Plans, Technical Documents, Documents, Comments, Correspondence, Photos

¨       Plans:  This would be any plan drawing that needs to be reviewed for code compliance and approval for permit issuance.

¨       Technical Documents:  These would be any documents generated to support code compliance, which need to be reviewed and approved for permit issuance.  (e.g., structural calcs, truss calcs, soils/geotechnical reports, hydraulic calcs, Accessibility Worksheet, electrical load worksheet, etc.)

¨       Documents:  These would be application forms (e.g., Asbestos NESHAPS Declaration of Notification Compliance, Air Quality Certificate of Compliance for Residential Construction, Unified Program Consolidated (CUPA), etc.) and other documents that do not need to be reviewed for code compliance.

¨       Comments:  These include comment/correction letters, as well as applicant responses to outstanding comments.

¨       Correspondence:  This would include any written correspondence uploaded to the record to be memorialized.

¨       Photos:  This would be any photos uploaded to the record.  (NOTE:  Please do not use this category for photos of Plans, Technical Documents, Documents, Comments, or Correspondences.)

§  At the end of the application, you will be provided the opportunity to review the information you entered/uploaded.

·         If any corrections are necessary, you can select a prior page in the online application by clicking the applicable “Building Pre-Application” box/page you want to return to.

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¨       A message will pop up at the top of the page requesting you to verify that you want to leave the current page.  Click the “Leave” button.

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¨       Once you have updated the necessary information, continue to click the “Continue Application” button until you return to the “Review” page.

·         If everything looks correct, review the declarations noted at the bottom of the page, click the box next to “By checking this box, I agree to the above certification”, then click the “Continue Application” button.

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§  All done!

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What do I need to know about my PREAPPLICATION?

Ø  The preapplication phase of a Building Permit record is intended to ensure that we have received all required application and submittal documents to complete a formal review of the project for issuance.

§  Exceptions to the above statement:  The following application types are typically processed and reviewed for issuance during the preapplication phase.

·         Quick building permits noted at the beginning of this instruction.

·         Residential swimming pools

·         Residential EV charger installation

·         Commercial wall signage

Ø  Timelines:  We make every effort to take action on preapplication records within one business day of the last action.

§  Example:

·         Jan. 15 – Preapplication submitted.

·         Jan. 16 (or sooner) – Preapplication is routed to plans examiners to review for submittal completeness.

·         Jan. 17 (or sooner) – Plans examiners respond with additional items needed, or preapplication is cleared for acceptance.

·         Jan. 18 (or sooner) – Email notification is sent to applicant providing items outstanding, or notification that the application has been accepted.

Ø  If outstanding items need to be uploaded to the preapplication, please follow these instructions for attaching new documents.  (Click HERE)

What happens when my project is accepted for PLAN REVIEW?

Ø  Plan Review is the process by which City staff (and all applicable agencies in authority) review the submittal package for code compliance.

§  What does the Plan Review process look like?

·         The following is a typical overview of this process:

¨       Once payment of submittal fees (for plan review services to be rendered) is received, the project is DISTRIBUTED for plan review.

Ø  The departments and divisions to whom the project is routed will depend on the project scope of work.

¨       The plans examiners will either generate comments (corrections that need to be made) or approve the project for permit issuance.

¨       Upon completion of plan review, you will receive an email notification either advising that comments were generated, or that the project has been approved.


Ø  Comments generated:  A spreadsheet file of outstanding comments will be uploaded to the record Attachments.  In addition, comments may be found on any Plans or Technical Documents requiring correction.

Ø  Applicable documents need to be corrected and resubmitted to the Building Permit record through the OPS Portal.

§  Please be sure to enter responses to each comment on the Comments spreadsheet, and upload to the record upon RESUBMITTAL.

§  Please follow these step-by-step instructions to resubmit your documents to the record.  (Click HERE)

·         Just some clarification…

¨       RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED = Corrections need to be made to the document and resubmitted for plan review.

¨       RESUBMITTAL OPTIONAL = No corrections are necessary, UNLESS corrections made to other documents trigger required changes to this document.

Ø  Upon resubmittal of all documents requiring correction, the project will be REDISTRIBUTED for another cycle of plan review.

Ø  The above steps continue to repeat until all required documents are code compliant and approved by all applicable departments and divisions.

§  NOTE:  The submittal fees paid include three (3) cycles of review.  Any subsequent plan review cycle after three will be charged on an hourly basis upon approval of the project.

Ø  Plan Review turnaround times:

§  1st cycle of review = 15-business days (not including weekends or holidays)

§  Every subsequent cycle = 10-business days (not including weekends or holidays)

§  NOTE:  Please anticipate a minimum of two (2) cycles of review.

What can I expect when my project is APPROVED?

Ø  Once all applicable departments and divisions have approved the project plans and documents for permit issuance:

§  The City staff member assigned to your project will be responsible for ensuring that all required application forms and requirements have been met.

·         If items remain outstanding, you will receive an email notification specifying the outstanding items to be addressed or uploaded to the record.

Ø  When all outstanding items have been addressed, you will receive an email notification with the total amount due for Building Permit issuance.

§  Please follow these instructions for paying fees online.  (Click HERE)

·         NOTE:  Final Building Permit fees (including fees for inspection services to be rendered) include Regulatory fees, and may include Development Impact fees and Utility Connection fees.

Ø   You will receive an email notification once the Building Permit is ISSUED after payment of final Building Permit fees.

§  The email notification will include a copy of your Inspection Card.

§  Please be sure to print all documents identified as an “Approved Document”.

·         Color prints are highly preferred, but black/white prints are sufficient.

·         These printed documents, including the Inspection Card, must be on the jobsite at time of inspection.

·         Please follow these instructions to access your approved documents.  (Click HERE)

How do I SCHEDULE an inspection for my issued Building Permit?

Please follow these step-by-step instructions to schedule an inspection. (Click HERE)

Inspections cannot be scheduled more than 15 days in advance.   

Inspections can be scheduled anytime of the day up until 11:30 p.m. for the following business day, with the following exceptions and notices:  

§  Water, Sewer, and Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance Pre-Final inspection requests must be made by 2:00 p.m. for the following business day.

§  Fire Dept. inspection requests will be acknowledged and scheduled for your review in our OPS Portal by 9:00 am the following business day.

·         An email notification with the scheduled inspection timeframe will be sent to the applicant.

·         Fire inspections will be performed within 2-business days of your request.

·         Due to scheduling conflicts, all scheduled start times are estimated time frames only.

Inspections can be scheduled online through our Roseville Inspection Scheduler.

Ø  Please follow these step-by-step instructions to schedule an inspection. (Click HERE)

Ø  NOTE:  Due to the high volume of inspections we are receiving, any notes entered in the “Optional Comments or Instructions” section will not be guaranteed, including requests for inspectors to make phone calls from the field.

What do I need to know about a SCHEDULED Building inspection?

Ø  Inspections are performed Monday – Friday (except holidays), 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

§  Special arrangements can be made ahead of time for an inspection as early as 7:00 a.m.

Ø  You can find out the name and cell phone number of your assigned inspector anytime after 7:30 a.m. the morning of your scheduled inspection, by clicking HERE.

§  You may ask your inspector any questions, provide any special information (e.g. subdivision gate codes), or request an approximate time of arrival for your anticipated inspection.

Ø  All stamped approved construction documents (plans, calculations, energy compliance forms, etc.) must be in a printed format, clear and legible, and on the jobsite at time of inspection.

§  Color prints are strongly preferred, but black/white prints are sufficient.

Ø  The issued Inspection Card must be in a printed format, clear and legible, and on the jobsite at time of inspection.

Ø  All inspections requiring access to the interior of a building:  A person aged 18 years or older must be present at the jobsite at time of inspection.

Ø  Inspections only requiring access to a backyard, at which no one is present, may be performed provided that a note written/signed by the property owner, or their representative, is posted on the front door at time of inspection.

Ø  Our inspectors do not have ladders.  Please have a ladder on-site at time of inspection, if needed to access work performed at an elevated level.

How do I CANCEL or RESCHEDULE a scheduled inspection?

You can cancel or reschedule your inspection online anytime of the day up until 11:30 p.m. the day prior to the scheduled inspection.

Any request to cancel or reschedule your inspection on the day of the scheduled inspection must be handled directly with the assigned inspector.

  • You can find out the name and cell phone number of your assigned inspector anytime after 7:30 a.m. the morning of your scheduled inspection, by clicking HERE.

Please follow these step-by-step instructions.  (Click HERE to cancel an inspection.  Click HERE to reschedule an inspection.)

What can I expect AFTER an inspection?

Ø  If a correction notice is generated, the inspection results (including corrections/comments) will be emailed to all designated recipients once the inspection is completed.

§  Designated recipients include:

·         Permit Holder of Record

·         Inspection requestor

·         Inspection results contact, as specified by the requestor or jobsite contact

Ø  If the inspection is approved, and NOT a Building Final inspection:

§  The inspector will sign off the performed inspection(s) on the Inspection Card

§  The inspection results will be emailed to all designated recipients once the inspection is completed.

Ø  If the inspection is approved, and IS a Building Final inspection:

§  The inspector will sign off the performed inspection(s) on the Inspection Card

§  The inspection results will be emailed to all designated recipients once the inspection is completed.

·         If the permit is for a commercial project, this email notification will include a link to the signed Certificate of Occupancy, if applicable.

¨       A copy of the signed Certificate of Occupancy will automatically be attached to the permit record, if applicable.

The Permit Center is currently offering full in-person services by appointment Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 am to noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.  Phone and virtual appointments are still available as an added convenience.  Click the “Schedule an Appointment” link to the right.

Feel free to use this link below to jump directly to our Checklists, Forms and Handouts:

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Feel free to use this link below to start creating your application online:

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Schedule an Appointment

How Are We Doing?

Contact Us

   Phone Hours:
M–F, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
   Permit Center Hours:
   M-F, 8:00 am - noon, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
   Appointment Hours:
M-F, 8:00 am - noon, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm