Stopping sneaky leaks in their tracks

Updated March 11, 2024
Stopping sneaky leaks in their tracks

Finding and fixing leaks in our water system is a big task because Roseville's service area has over 600 miles of water mains and more than 50,000 service connections.

Sometimes, it's easy to spot non-emergency leaks, but other times, our water distribution team must investigate further.

Luckily, we have tools to help us out. Leaks might try to escape notice, but our tools help us actively find, check, and repair them. This ensures that the treated water we use is put to good use for our customers.

Ways we find leaks

  • Acoustic leak detection: This tool listens for water leaking underground and helps us figure out exactly where the leaks are. It's efficient and accurate, fulfilling state requirements for water utility providers.
  • Satellite leak detection: We use radar to detect the signature of water leaks underground based on moisture and wet soil.

When we find leaks, we act quickly. Sometimes we need the customer's help if it's on their property, or we make repairs if it's the water utility's responsibility.

Why proactive leak detection matters

  • Reducing water loss: Fixing leaks saves money by reducing the costs of delivering and treating water.
  • Efficient use of supplies: Less water lost means we can make the most of our existing supply and deliver it to our customers.
  • Safeguarding public health: Proactive maintenance reduces the chances of property damage and big breaks that disrupt service.

2023 efforts

• Initiated 228 investigations using mainly satellite leak detection approaches
• Checked 62 miles of pipes
• Found 21 leaks (14 for customers and 7 for the City)
• Potential water savings of 3,679,200 gallons

For more information about our water utility, visit