It’s no secret that Roseville is in demand, attracting residents and businesses to our city. Thoughtful planning plays a significant role in the city’s desirability.
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why is this being built here?” The answer may be more complicated than you think.
What is built and where, is influenced by a variety of factors like economics, market conditions, and land use.
When a property owner considers building a project, factors like land cost, financing, construction and labor, and return on investment are all weighed to decide if the project is feasible.
Local governments like Roseville have laws that dictate how properties can be developed. Land use and zoning are two critical aspects of property development.
Land use describes the broad types of allowed uses on a given lot, such as residential, commercial, industrial, and other categories.
zoning defines detailed parameters for lot size, building height, distance from the street, and other standards. These guidelines help property owners follow the City’s vision for appropriate development.
When a property owner submits an application to build in Roseville, land use and zoning are reviewed to ensure the project meets regulations. If the project is consistent with City of Roseville codes, the City’s influence on the project is limited only to design elements such as site layout, building architecture, and any environmental considerations. When a project meets all standards and design guidelines, the City is obligated to approve the project.
These laws help ensure quality development, considering the individual property rights of the landowner, and the expectations of the community.
Clear and effective land use policies and zoning codes maintain Roseville’s attractive quality of life and make it a location of choice for businesses.
Learn more and view other videos in the Development Decoded series by visiting
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