December 21, 2022
The City Council unanimously approved all three Commercial Corridor Specific Plans on December 21, 2022. A recording of the City Council meeting may be viewed here. Approval of the project creates new area-specific Design Guidelines for private development and new Frontage Standards for public improvements, as well as a new streamlined approval process for new construction and redevelopment projects. The approved Specific Plans are available on the Documents page.
December 8, 2022
City Council Hearing Scheduled for December 21, 2022
The Planning Commission considered the Commercial Corridors Project at their October 13, 2022 public hearing, and made a non-binding recommendation of approval to City Council. A recording of the Planning Commission hearing may be viewed here. The project has been scheduled for public hearing at City Council on December 21, 2022 at 6 p.m. City Council will consider the project and make a decision whether to approve the Commercial Corridor Plans.
Check online for City Council agendas and for meeting details, which will be published no later than Friday, December 16, 2022. The City Council meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at 311 Vernon Street in downtown Roseville.
The Final Draft Specific Plans have been posted online to the Documents page and links are also included below.
Final Drafts
Atlantic Street Corridor Specific Plan
Douglas-Harding Corridor Specific Plan
Douglas-Sunrise Corridor Specific Plan
Development Standards and Processes (Zoning Code Chapter 19.33)
Public Hearing Notice
November 7, 2022
City Council Hearing Tentatively Scheduled for December 21, 2022
The Planning Commission considered the Commercial Corridors Project at their October 13, 2022 public hearing, and made a non-binding recommendation of approval to City Council. A recording of the Planning Commission hearing may be viewed here.
The City Council hearing had previously been tentatively scheduled for November 16, but the City Council meeting on this date has been canceled. So the project has tentatively been scheduled for public hearing at City Council on December 21, 2022 at 6 p.m. City Council will consider the project and make a decision whether to approve the Commercial Corridor Plans.
Public hearing notices will be mailed at least 10 days prior to the City Council hearing, and notification will also be emailed and posted here on the project website. Check online for City Council agendas and for meeting details.
The City Council meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at 311 Vernon Street in downtown Roseville.
September 30, 2022
Upcoming Hearings and Publication of Hearing Draft Specific Plans
The Public Hearing Draft Specific Plans are now available for review at the links below (and on the Documents page) and the project is scheduled for public hearing at Planning Commission on October 13, 2022. See the previous update from September 14, 2022 (below) for a description of key differences between the previous draft and the Hearing Drafts. Public hearing notices have been mailed to those within 300 feet of the project and emailed to the interested person list. Subscribe here. A link to the public hearing notice is included below. The staff report and attachments will be published on the Planning Commission website no later than Friday, October 7, 2022.
No final action will be taken at the Planning Commission hearing. The Planning Commission will make a non-binding recommendation to City Council, and City Council will determine whether to approve or deny the project plans.
The City Council public hearing is tentatively scheduled for November 16, 2022. Public hearing notices will be mailed at least 10 days prior to the City Council hearing, and notification will also be emailed and posted here on the project website. Check online for City Council agendas and for meeting details.
Both meetings will be held in the Council Chambers at 311 Vernon St. in Downtown Roseville. Planning Commission begins at 6:30 p.m. and City Council begins at 6 p.m.
Public Hearing Drafts
Atlantic Street Corridor Specific Plan
Douglas-Harding Corridor Specific Plan
Douglas-Sunrise Corridor Specific Plan
Development Standards and Processes (Zoning Code Chapter 19.33)
Public Hearing Notice
September 14, 2022
Plan revisions in response to feedback
The City published preliminary drafts of each corridor Specific Plan (Corridor Plans) in July and held two public workshops to discuss the drafts. Staff has been working on revisions in response to public feedback and tentatively plan to publish revised drafts the last week of September. We will send out another update to individuals who sign up for updates and notifications once the updated Specific Plans have been published on the website. These will be the Public Hearing Drafts, and include the following key proposed changes we wanted to bring to your attention:
Atlantic Street Corridor

In the Atlantic Street Corridor Specific Plan, properties north of Shearer Street which are currently zoned for single-family or two-family uses (these are the properties east of East Street) are proposed to remain unchanged; previously we had proposed to change this to multifamily residential zoning.
In the Atlantic Street Corridor Specific Plan, the permitted uses in the General Commercial zone are proposed to be changed to ensure the existing businesses on Wills Road may continue without becoming inconsistent with the zone. As revised, auto body uses would only require a Conditional Use Permit if the business is within 300 feet of a residential property, instead of a Conditional Use Permit always being required. The result of this proposal is that auto body uses along Atlantic Street will continue to require a Conditional Use Permit, but auto body uses on Wills Road will not.
Douglas-Sunrise Corridor
In the Douglas-Sunrise Corridor Specific Plan, properties north of Cardinal Way which are currently zoned for single-family or two-family uses are proposed to remain unchanged; previously we had proposed to change this to multifamily residential zoning.
In the Douglas-Sunrise Corridor Specific Plan, the commercial area between Lead Hill Boulevard and Sierra Gardens drive was proposed to be rezoned, with a portion Community Commercial and a portion General Commercial. This proposal has been changed to rezone the entire area Community Commercial. In further review of the businesses located on the property, the Community Commercial zone is most consistent with the existing uses.
New General Policies
Accessibility was added as a key consideration when determining pavement treatments, in response to a comment that some treatments make the ground uneven and difficult to traverse.
A new policy on preservation and reuse was added to the Atlantic Street and Douglas-Harding Corridor Specific Plans, offering the incentive of streamlined processes to projects which propose to retain the key features of buildings constructed in the 1940s or earlier. This was in response to comments that preservation and reuse should be a consideration in the plans.
New Plan Features
A glossary has been added to each Corridor Plan.
The Land Use chapters have been updated to include more explanation and description of land use designations and zoning designations.
The Public Hearing drafts have been formatted to include additional imagery, color, and visual interest, in order to make the finished versions of each plan more engaging. The Preliminary Draft plans were largely focused on text, and imagery was limited to the necessary figures (streetscape plans, land use plans, etc.).
The revised proposal is to place all development standards and processes within the City’s Zoning Code, in a new Special Area chapter (rather than a stand-alone Special Area Ordinance). This will ensure the Ordinance is easy to access, in the same place as the citywide development standards and processes. To avoid duplication, all of the regulatory standards and processes have been removed from the Corridor Plans; references and links to the location of the standards in the Zoning Ordinance are provided instead. We then remade the process descriptions in the Corridor Plans into user-friendly summaries of how the regulatory processes work. This approach means that vital information remains within the Corridor Plans, written in a more accessible way. For the more legalistic, regulatory language, the Corridor Plans direct readers to the Zoning Ordinance. The Preliminary Draft plans included all development standards and processes within the Corridor Plan (Design Guidelines and Implementation chapters). This was included to ensure all elements of the plans could be found in a single place. However, these development standards and processes must be adopted through a Special Area Ordinance, which would be a separate document. This duplication of standards, in an Ordinance and in each plan, could lead to confusion and version-control issues in future. Also, stand-alone Ordinances are difficult for members of the public to find/access.
The project is tentatively scheduled for public hearing at Planning Commission on October 13, 2022 and is tentatively scheduled for public hearing at City Council on November 16, 2022. Public notices will be mailed a minimum of 10 days prior to the hearing dates. The Public Hearing draft publication and hearing timelines are still tentative, and if these tentative dates are revised an update will be posted here on the project website.
For this project, the Planning Commission will not approve or deny the plan. It will make a non-binding recommendation to City Council. The City Council will then consider whether to approve or deny the project plan.
July 15, 2022:
Preliminary draft Specific Plans now available
Help shape the Commercial Corridors Project. Preliminary draft Specific Plans are now available for public review and comment.
View the preliminary draft plans
Attend a workshop
July 28, 6:30 p.m.
Planning Commission Meeting
Watch the video.
August 3, 6:00 p.m.
City Council Meeting
Watch the video
Workshops will be held in the City Council Chambers at 311 Vernon St. in Roseville.
The purpose of these workshops is to inform and provide a forum for community feedback on the preliminary draft plans.
Workshops will include a presentation by City staff and an opportunity for comments and questions from attendees.
At their respective workshops, Planning Commission and City Council will have the opportunity to hear community feedback and provide their comments and perspectives, but no action will be taken.
These workshops allow the public an opportunity to ask questions and hear community discussion.
Make a comment
The City of Roseville is seeking community input on these drafts to help shape the goals, policies, design guidelines, and other plan contents.
Comments will continue to be accepted throughout the process, but to ensure your comments can be incorporated into the next draft of the plans, we are asking that you share your comments by email by August 11, 2022.
View the project timeline to see other upcoming opportunities to weigh in on the plans.
April 25, 2022:
Help shape future design guidelines
Your feedback is important and continues to be incorporated as the City of Roseville develops policies and design guidelines for development and redevelopment projects in the Commercial Corridors Project plan areas.
A short survey was open April 25 - May 8, 2022 to get public feedback on some broad design themes.
February 23, 2022:
Video of Virtual Community Workshop #3
Summary of Virtual Community Workshop #3
December 14, 2021:
The latest materials for the Commercial Corridors project are available below for public review and comment.
What's new:
We appreciate all of the engagement we had as a result of our summer outreach events, and have been hard at work on developing more materials to show you. We’ve completed draft maps of each Specific Plan showing you the existing and proposed land use and zoning designations, and have also prepared a table describing the changes we’re proposing to the kinds of developments which would be allowed. Our goal is to facilitate appropriate use of the land, not to add barriers or restrictions that will negatively impact property owners.
The changes shown on the preliminary draft maps are not final, and are subject to change based on feedback from the community.
Please also take a look at our updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, which explains the basics of land use and zoning.
Share your input:
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please contact the City by email at [email protected]. We’d like to receive your feedback by January 12, 2022.
Next steps:
Once we’ve received your feedback we may be reaching out to individuals to get clarification or to have conversations. Once all of the feedback has been considered, we will be scheduling another virtual outreach event to have a community conversation about these materials.
Atlantic Street Corridor Existing Land Use Map
Atlantic Street Corridor Existing Zoning Map
Atlantic Street Corridor Proposed Land Use Map
Atlantic Street Corridor Proposed Zoning Map
Douglas-Harding Corridor Existing Land Use Map
Douglas-Harding Corridor Existing Zoning Map
Douglas-Harding Corridor Proposed Land Use Map
Douglas-Harding Corridor Proposed Zoning Map
Douglas-Sunrise Corridor Existing Land Use Map
Douglas-Sunrise Corridor Existing Zoning Map
Douglas-Sunrise Corridor Proposed Land Use Map
Douglas-Sunrise Corridor Proposed Zoning Map
Permitted Use Table Changes
August 2, 2021:
View summaries of the virtual open house and virtual walking tour/survey.