The City has adopted the West Placer Storm Water Quality Design Manual to be used as the format to aid the engineer in the design of storm water management for all new and redeveloped projects within the City. The manual provides the design standards for pre-project site assessment, site planning and BMP selection for source control and LID measures, baseline hydro-modification management, and inspection operation and maintenance requirements. It also provides an outline for developing a Post-Construction Storm Water Quality Plan (SWQP) and an automated SWQP Template to ensure that the requirements of the permit are being tailored to the particular site. These storm water control designs shall be incorporated into the project’s application for entitlement with the final design ultimately accepted with the project’s improvement plans prior to construction.

The Post-construction design standards are detailed in the West Placer Storm Water Quality Design Manual.
Copies of the of the Design Manual are also available for purchase at the City’s Permit Center, located on the first floor of the Civic Center Building, 311 Vernon Street.
Development Submittal Process
The post-construction storm water quality design and documentation for all new and redeveloped properties within the City starts with the project’s application for entitlement submittal to the City’s Planning Department. The applicant is required to complete a Preliminary SWQP as part of their application package to Planning and shall submit a completed Post-Construction Storm Water Quality Plan Template as part of the Preliminary SWQP.
The preliminary SWQP mimics the requirements of the final SWQP that will follow prior to the acceptance of actual improvement plans, and is used to identify site constraints and design considerations during the planning process.
During the plan review process, the engineering section of the Development Services Department will review in more detail the SWQP submitted with the improvement plan submittal package. In an effort to help the design engineers provide a complete SWQP package, a SWQP Template has been made part of the Design Manual. This automated Microsoft Excel-based tool is provided in electronic format and can be down loaded at the following link on the right side of this page.
For questions concerning the post-construction storm water quality design standards, contact the Development Services - Engineering Land Development Division at (916) 774-5339.