
The South Placer Regional Transportation Authority (SPRTA) is a Joint Powers Authority comprised of the Cities of Lincoln, Rocklin, Roseville and the County of Placer. The Authority was formed for the purpose of implementing a Regional Transportation Fee Program to provide funding for the following transportation projects:

  • Sierra College Boulevard Widening
  • Lincoln Bypass
  • I-80/Douglas Boulevard Interchange Improvements
  • Hwy 65 Widening
  • I-80/Rocklin Road Interchange Improvements
  • Auburn-Folsom Widening
  • I-80/SR 65 Interchange Improvements
  • Douglas Blvd WB I-80 Ramp
  • Atlantic Street WB I-80 Ramp
  • HOV lane widening on I-80 through Roseville ("the Bottleneck")
  • Park and Ride lot

Fee Districts

For purposes of assessing and collecting fees, the City is geographically divided into seventeen (17) fee districts.

Traffic mitigation fees for the same land use types are determined uniformly throughout a fee district. For example, a single-family residential home is charged the same fee regardless of where it is within a fee district. Traffic mitigation fees for the same type of land use, within separate benefit districts, do not result in the payment of the same fee. For example, a residential home in one benefit district is not charged the same fees as a residential home in another benefit district.

Dwelling Unit Equivalence (DUE)

Within each fee district, a fee is assessed to new development based on its Dwelling Unit Equivalent (DUE). DUE is a term used to compare the trip-making characteristics of various land uses to that of a single-family residential dwelling unit. The DUE factor for a particular land use category accounts for the number of trips made within the p.m. peak hour, average trip length, and percentage of trips that are new to the roadway system as a result of the subject land use.

DUEs are expressed in terms of units of development. For example, residential land uses are typically stated in terms of DUEs per dwelling unit. Non-residential uses are typically expressed in terms of DUEs per 1,000 square feet of building construction.

See "Detailed DUE Factors" for the DUE per unit of development for typical residential and non-residential land use categories. These factors are merely a guide for standard types of land use categories. It is often the case that a particular proposed use does not fit neatly into these categories. In these cases, staff will determine the appropriate DUE factor, in conjunction with information supplied by the applicant.

See "SPRTA Fees by Fee District" for the fee per DUE charged within each fee district.

Fee Calculation

The traffic mitigation fees for a project are determined as follows:

  1. Determine the Benefit District the project is within (fee districts)
  2. Determine the appropriate DUE per unit (Detailed DUE Factors)
  3. Identify the fee per DUE within the fee district (SPRTA Fees by Fee District)
  4. Determine the number of units of the project (dwelling units, 1000 s.f., etc)

Fee = DUE Per Unit multiplied by the Fee Per DUE multiplied by the Number of Units.
Note: Contact City Engineering staff (Mark Johnson) for land uses not shown in the Detailed DUE Factors.

Fee Payment

Fees are collected prior to issuance of building permits.


These fees are subject to annual adjustments every July 1st based on the Construction Cost Index as published in the Engineering News Record. Periodic updates may also occur as conditions change to account for new approvals to major land use projects, as well as, improvements that have been completed.