The Downtown Specific Plan (DTSP) encompasses 176 acres and includes the Historic Old Town, Vernon Street District, and Royer and Saugstad Parks. The Plan area is divided into 11 districts

and emphasizes the addition of mixed-use and residential development. At build-out, the Plan area is expected to accommodate 900,000 square feet of new ground floor retail development, 1,020 new residential units, and a cumulative total of 4.4 million square feet.
The DTSP is the overriding policy document and contains the guiding principles for development of the plan area. The associated Downtown Code is the implementing document that takes the polices from the DTSP and physically applies them to the parcel/districts. The Downtown Code has been adopted in Chapter 19.31 of the Roseville Municipal Code, and includes development and sign regulations, regulatory incentives and design guidelines that are unique to the plan area. The Plan was adopted in April 2009.
For the Downtown Specific Plan Appendix A please contact the Planning department (916) 774-5276.