The specifications listed below are used for all new commercial construction for waste services (trash and recycling.)
Enclosure Description
A trash enclosure must be provided for each building or business. If a building is to have more than one trash customer then a trash enclosure must be provided for each customer. Projects with more than one enclosure must number the enclosures and provide a map of the project showing the location of the enclosures. The type and number of the enclosures will be determined by their intended use (i.e. restaurant, office building, shopping center or small business). Applicant shall meet with the Solid Waste Division to address the issue of enclosure type, approach, location, and enclosure construction. The grease/tallow bin enclosure may be attached to the trash enclosure or be constructed separately. The grease/tallow bin must not be located within the trash/recycling enclosure. Click here for a diagram.
The trash enclosure shall have walls on 3 sides. Walls must be 6' in height and shall be constructed of block or chain link fence with wood slats. Redwood fence material is not acceptable for enclosures due to the short life expectancy.
Gates are required on any trash enclosure in line of sight of the public. Gates shall be constructed of chain link or corrugated metal and must be designed to be opened from the front of the enclosure. Wood gates will not be accepted. Gates must be constructed to provide a minimum 12' opening and shall be equipped to be held in the open position with pins in the ground while the dumpster is being serviced. Drop pins must be a minimum of ½" thick. The pin hole shall be a 2" pipe, 6 inches deep, flush to the ground. Bollards must be installed to prevent gates from opening into any parking spaces.
Vehicle Approach and Floor
The floor of enclosure must be 6" thick, reinforced cement with three 3' poles, 6" in diameter and cemented into the ground parallel to the back wall to act as a bumper for the dumpster. Concrete curbs and curb stops are not acceptable. Enclosure will have a 15’ long by 12’ wide slab of 6" thick reinforced concrete for an approach. Both the approach and the floor need to be level so that the dumpsters do not roll away while being serviced.
"No parking" signs must be placed on the gates as well as painted on the approach area. A sign must be placed in the trash bin area saying "FOR TRASH ONLY" and in the recycle area saying "RECYCLE MATERIALS ONLY".
Enclosure should be located in such a way as to reduce on sight traffic by refuse vehicles, saving wear and tear of the facilities. The trash enclosure must be placed to allow the truck a straight approach to the enclosure for servicing. 65’ clear area in front of the enclosure is needed to service the bin. Bin dumping area must be free of overhead power lines. The enclosure should be located away from service areas to prevent it from being blocked by delivery vehicles and parked cars. The inside turning radius for the refuse vehicle is 25’ and outside is 45’. These dimensions must be maintained on the approach to and exit from the enclosure.