The Community Services Division supports the Department’s Community Policing and Crime Reduction strategies. We are a liaison between the Police Department and the community, utilizing various forms of outreach to engage and educate community members, empowering them with the knowledge and tools to avoid being a victim of crime, and to proactively deter crime in their neighborhoods. 

Community Services programs include:

Roseville Junior Police Academy (JPA)
Citizens Academy
Coffee With A Cop
Department Speaker Program
Drug Take Back
Police Explorer Program

Keep Watch Surveillance Camera Registry
My Neighborhood Officer Program
National Night Out
Neighborhood Watch
Northern California Organized Retail Crime Association (NCORCA)
Police Department Volunteer Program, including Citizens on Patrol
Senior Safety

Shop With A Cop
Vacation House Check Program

We also maintain active partnerships with affiliated agencies and organizations, including:

Roseville Police Activities League (RPAL)
Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA)
Roseville CrimeStoppers
Placer County District Attorney's Office
Placer County Probation Department
Placer County Sheriff's Office
Placer County Health and Human Services
Roseville Chamber of Commerce
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

Interested in joining one of Roseville’s established Neighborhood Associations?  The Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA) can help you find out which Neighborhood Association you belong to and how to get connected – or how to start a new association if there isn’t one in your neighborhood. Click HERE to go to RCONA’s website for more information.