There's never enough water to waste, and that's why Roseville's water efficiency team is here to help you use water as wisely as possible. Roseville water customers can take advantage of our incentives to receive rebate monies to assist with projects that save water.

These rebate dollars are made available from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Program funding is limited and rebates are offered on a first-come, first serve basis until funds are exhausted.  

Home rebates
Get rid of your less water efficient devices in your home and replace them with something new.


Upgrade your existing toilet to a more efficient model. We will rebate customers up to $100 towards the cost of replacement with qualifying models.

You must participate in a pre-inspection before replacing your existing toilet.

Upgrades made without City of Roseville approval will disqualify you from the rebate.

Funding is limited and applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Receipt must be dated within 90 days of purchase; no exceptions.


Cash for Grass

Convert your water-thirsty grass to a water efficient landscape. The City of Roseville will rebate customers $1.50 per square foot of turf grass removed and replaced with water efficient landscape up to $2000 per address.

You can also receive $3.00 per square foot for areas less than 10 feet in any direction. See terms and conditions for details!

You must participate in a pre-inspection site visit before removing your lawn. Starting without City of Roseville approval will make your conversion ineligible.

Funding is limited and applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Also note that your conversion project must be completed within 120 days of your pre-inspection date; no exceptions.

Recommended plant list (Please note: certain trees (indicated with a tree symbol in the list) do qualify under Roseville Electric's Shade Tree Program)


Questions about home rebates?

Our water efficiency staff is available to assist with rebates questions. Contact us at (916) 774-5761 or send us an email.
Business rebates
Commercial rebates
You can lower your organization's water, energy, and landscape maintenance costs through water efficient changes.

Commercial landscape conversion and irrigation upgrades

We offer landscape and irrigation upgrade rebates designed to help your landscape thrive even when it doesn’t rain. Converting lawn to a sustainable landscape and upgrading to high-efficiency irrigation equipment helps to conserve our limited water supply.

You can choose from our menu of rebates to help you lower your landscape’s watering needs and irrigate with greater efficiency.

Download the rebate package to get started

Food service one-stop water efficiency

Is your restaurant throwing away thousands of dollars a year using old inefficient kitchen equipment? Old equipment will use more water (increasing your sewage costs) and will also make you pay more in energy costs.

City of Roseville’s Be Water Smart Food Service Program offers rebates to restaurant owners and operators, and institutional food service providers who install efficient water-saving food service cooking equipment and fixtures.

Download the rebate package to get started

Commercial customized

The Commercial Customized Rebate helps commercial, industrial, and institutional customers save money with financial incentives on capital expenditures for retrofit of existing equipment with more water efficient technologies.

This program applies to hardware upgrades including equipment and technology for space cooling, refrigeration, laundry, cleaning and flushing.

Download the Customized Rebate application to get started

Got commercial rebate questions?

Contact water efficiency specialist for more information.

Justin Black 
[email protected]