The City of Roseville’s Development Services Department is excited to announce its new
Paperless Permitting & Plan Review Process!

Please click on the Permit Center image below for step-by-step instructions on how to complete the new process.

The Universal Application form is required for all Planning Division permits except the Promotional/Temporary Banners and zoning clearances like the Home Occupation Clearance and the Water Efficient Landscape plan check. 

Applications for General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments, Development Agreements or Rezoning must meet the submittal requirements for Digital File Formats

Applications for Design Review Permits, Major Project Permits, Tentative Maps and Grading Plans must include a
Preliminary Stormwater Quality Compliance Form. 

In certain circumstances, the City of Roseville may allow the concurrent processing of certain development permits prior to the approval of Planning Entitlements.  Concurrent review may be allowed at the discretion of the Development Services Director, or authorized staff, based on current staffing levels.  Concurrent Review Application