Say goodbye to clutter: Spring cleaning events happening in April and May

Streamline your spring cleaning by participating in a complimentary spring clean-up organized by the City of Roseville and the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA). 

Seize the chance to declutter your space, reclaim your garage, and dispose of unwanted items at no cost! These organized events are strategically planned to include locations within or near your neighborhood association.

2025 event locations 

Spring clean-up days are scheduled on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the following locations:

  • April 12: Saugstad Park, 100 Buljan Drive
  • April 26: Bridgeway Church, 8150 Industrial Avenue
  • May 17: St John's Church, 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd
  • May 31: Bridgeway Church, 8150 Industrial Avenue


  • Assemble your unwanted items the night before, ensuring that they only include acceptable materials. See this list for unacceptable items.

  • Items not accepted at the clean-up events can be delivered to the Western Placer Waste Management Authority Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) for a fee. Visit for details, fees, and hours of operation.

  •  You can also schedule a doorstep pick up of some Household Hazardous Waste and e-waste. Visit this web page for details.


garage clutter

Who to contact

This is an RCONA event with support from the City of Roseville. Please contact RCONA by email at [email protected]  or by phone at (916) 248-4878 for questions or more information. 
