Firefighters In Safety Education (FISE) bring burn prevention education to each child, each year for elementary schools in Roseville. The FISE program is a 30-minute presentation taught by firefighters on duty in assembly format to school aged students.
The FISE curriculum teaches 7 key skills:
- Stop Drop & Roll: Stop, Drop & Roll is the most effective method of extinguishing a fire on the body.
- Cool-A-Burn corrects misinformation learned by children in many households. Burns are best treated by cool water for 3-5 minutes.
- Crawl Low & Go teaches kids to drop under the smoke of a fire to find an exit.
- Hug A Firefighter is an invaluable lesson that teaches students what a firefighter looks like in full gear including facemask and oxygen tank. During a fire, young children have exhibited fear when a firefighter approaches and have been shown to run from emergency personnel and hide.
- Smoke Detector demonstration and reminder to change batteries and purchase for each room in the students’ households.
- Toys Vs Tools encourages students to consider matches and lighters as adult tools rather than toys.
- Students are taught when and how to dial 9-1-1 from their home phones and to stay on the line with the dispatcher
Students are given take home materials which is provided by the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation to continue the learning process with their families. Schools wishing to schedule a presentation should contact [email protected]