Do you ever think about what it takes to get clean, reliable, refreshing drinking water to your tap?

Where things go when you flush your toilet? Or what happens to your garbage after its weekly pickup? Though they’re not engaging party topics, each must be handled efficiently and reliably to maintain our clean, vibrant community. City of Roseville’s Environmental Utilities, your community owned utility services provider, is at the forefront of exceptional utility service—so you don’t have to think about it.

Clean drinking water, considered the most refreshing in the region.

A simple and effective solid waste program that takes the guesswork out of recycling and increases our community’s landfill diversion rate.

Recycled water to keep our water supply bountiful and city landscape looking lush and wonderful?

Everything we do is about providing the highest quality services in the most efficient and environmentally sensitive manner. We take very seriously our role in helping to maintain a healthy community, and we’re proud of the exceptional value we provide for all your utility service needs.

Your utility by the numbers:

Water utility

  • Operate a 100 million gallon per day treatment plant
  • Maintain 704 miles of pipes, 5,542 hydrants, eight water tanks that equal 44 million gallons of water
  • Manage seven active groundwater wells and three pump stations

Wastewater utility

  • Operate two wastewater treatment facilities that have the capacity to treat up to 30 million gallons of water daily
  • Maintain 601 miles of sewer mainlines, 292 miles of sewer laterals and 13,026 manholes
  • Deliver 1.25 billion gallons of recycled water annually

Waste Services (trash and recycling)

  • Roseville collects more than 134,000 tons annually
  • One truckload can hold trash for 300 houses
  • Average home produces 35 and 50 pounds per can
  • Collects up to 42 tons of organic waste weekly

Recycled water

  • We deliver 1.25 billion gallons of recycled water
  • More than 121 sites use this resource for outdoor irrigation
  • Roseville Electric uses recycled water for its cooling process at the Roseville Energy Park