1/2¢ Transactions and Use Tax Measure - Resolution - Ordinance

Learn more about Measure B

To promote transparency and accountability for the allocation of new sales tax revenue generated by Measure B, the Roseville City Council enacted the provision in the voter-approved measure that calls for Local Sales Tax Oversight Committee. At its December 19 meeting the Council approved the charter for the committee and opened the application process for residents who would like to serve on it.

Measure B, the half-cent local sales tax to protect Roseville’s essential services, was approved by voters in the November 6, 2018 election. The measure included the formation of an oversight committee. Measure B is expected to generate $16 million to $19 million annually in sales tax revenues to the City.

 Current Members Term End
Bob Bettencourt 6/30/2027*
Jordan Bunnell
Stephanie Hill 6/30/2025*
Kathryn Kitchell 6/30/2027
John Speight 6/30/2025*

*Eligible to re-apply when current term ends 

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Dennis Kauffman
Assistant City Manager/
Chief Financial Officer
Phoebe Schueler
(916) 774-5319
