The Council’s Discretionary Fund provides a means to support non-profit and community organizations for events and programs with the purpose of improving the quality of life for the residents of Roseville.  

Criteria for Requesting City Council Discretionary Funds: Council Discretionary Funds will not be made available for religious or sectarian purposes/activities or to organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, medical condition, marital status, age, sex, sexual orientation, or other legally protected status.  Council Discretionary Funds will not be made available for private schools (a private school is any school not under the exclusive control of the officers of the public schools; public charter schools are not private schools), unless it is clear that any benefit to a private school is, at most, merely an “incidental” or “indirect” effect, and the direct benefit is improving the quality of life for the citizens of Roseville.

All requests for Council Discretionary Funds require the following information and should be submitted using the fillable form below:  
Council Discretionary Funds Request
Name of Organization requesting Council Discretionary Funds
Contact Name
Contact Phone
Contact Email
Does your organization have a non-profit status?
Request Amount $
Date of Event (if applicable) and Location
Describe the event, program or project you are requesting funds for?
How will the funds be used and by which date will they be expended?
Is this an annual request or a one-time request?
Has your organization applied for and/or recieved grant funds from the City of Roseville in the past 24 months? (ex. Roseville Community Development Block Grant, Citizens Benefit Fund, Roseville Annual Charitable Hearts Fund, or other City Council determined grant funding sources)
If a request for City Council Discretionary Funds has been made and received in previous years, identify strategies being implemented to eliminate reliance on Council Discretionary Funds.
I acknowledge that no more than $1,000 of City Council Discretionary Funds can be used for capital improvement projects.
I acknowledge that is it the sole responsibility of the recipient to comply with all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, ordinances, and policies as may be applicable in connection with Discretionary Funds received.  


If this is your first-time requesting Council Discretionary Funds or there has been changes with your organizations upload your most recent W-9 form.

Please note: It is highly recommended that requestors of City Council Discretionary Funds have a representative from their organization present at the scheduled City Council meeting to answer any possible questions from Council should allocation be awarded. It is also preferred that requests are submitted in advance of events or time of use. 

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