Solar panel

Roseville Electric Utility is here to help our customers install clean and renewable distributed generation energy systems.  We understand that each project is unique, and that there are many factors to consider, so we’re here to help you make the best decision.

Business customers may install distributed generation systems, like photovoltaic solar arrays, designed to offset up to 100% of the customer’s last twelve months of metered energy load, or billed energy usage.  Distributed generation systems producing greater than 100% of a customer’s metered load are prohibited. 

Businesses interested in installing a distributed generation system within the City of Roseville must apply for an interconnection with Roseville Electric Utility.  

The directions below outline the process for commercial customers to apply for interconnection with Roseville Electric Utility.  If you have any questions please call us at 916-797-6937 or by email at [email protected].

Program updates

  • On October 1, 2018 we launched our Roseville Solar 2.0 program for new solar customers. This program replaces the NEM (Net Energy Metering) rate program. Customers who have installed solar and are under the original rate program are grandfathered in for up to 20 years (10 minimum) from the date of their last system interconnection. Visit our Roseville Solar 2.0 webpage for more details.  .

  • Beginning on June 1, 2023 multifamily commercial new construction projects with greater than four units (or apartments) are eligible to participate in Roseville Electric Utility’s Multifamily Distributed Generation Pilot Program. This pilot program allows for the construction of a single distributed generation system with a single point of interconnection. Customers interested in this pilot program can find additional details on the program application.

  • For all other commercial customers, please follow the guidelines provided below.



The Customer Check list,  New Services Information and informational links provided are designed to guide you through this process and identifies what needs to be complete prior to and after the construction process.

The applicant is required to pay a meter upgrade charge for the required multi-register meter as well as provide infrastructure for a power production meter. The meter upgrade charge is subject to change.

All business customer-generator DG projects must apply under this program and receive a written permit to operate prior to turning on their system. 


Permit Required

In addition to meeting the Utility's interconnection requirements, business applicants must apply for a building permit and receive final permit approval prior to being granted a written Permit to Operate. Contact the Permit Department for more information. Building Department fees and applicable meter upgrade charges will be collected by the building department as part of the permit process.


Review the Non Residential Check List

The check list outlines required documentation for the type of system being installed. Customer Check List

Submit the Non Residential Interconnection Application

Submit a completed application and all required supporting documents. It is advisable to receive an approved interconnection application prior to submitting for a City of Roseville building permit.

Receive approvals prior to beginning construction

Customer-generators must receive the City’s Building Permit AND the Utility’s Interconnection Application approvals to proceed with construction.

System installation

Advise Roseville Electric Utility's Energy Program representative of any changes from what was submitted on the Interconnection Application. Updated documentation may be required, depending on the changes. Once installed, the DG system safety disconnect must remain in the open (off) position until the written Permit to Operate has been received from the Utility.

Submit the Non Residential Permit to Operate Request Form

Upon completion of the installation, fill out and submit the form.

Non Residential Permit to Operate Request Form

Project inspection

Upon acceptance of the Non Residential Permit to Operate Request form and verification the permit charges have been paid the following will occur:

1. An electric site inspection will occur.

2. If project meets Roseville Electric Utility requirements, the meter technician will sign the green permit card for electric department approval.

3. After Roseville Electric Utility signs the green card, customer-generator or contractor will contact the building department (916-774-5333) to schedule final permit inspection and approval.

4. After building department signs the green permit card, the customer must email the signed green card to [email protected].

Turning on the DG system

Upon verification of the signed off green card, the customer will receive the Permit to Operate notification from the Utility. Once received, the customer may turn the system on to operate. The customer may not operate the system until documented notification has been received.


Quick links

  • General Terms and Conditions
  • Building Permit - Customers installing a DG systems are required to obtain a City of Roseville Building Permit
  • Business License - Contractors are required to have a current City of Roseville Business License
  • Go Solar California – The CEC and CPUC oversee this website to provide California consumers a "one-stop shop" for information on solar systems, approved equipment, eligible contractors, and more
  • CEC Certified Equipment - PV systems installed in Roseville must utilize new modules and inverters certified for use by use by the California Energy Commission.


Please contact your trusted energy advisor or program manager at 916-797-6937 (79-POWER) to answer questions about your energy needs or click here to email us.