The Clean Water Act of 1987 was amended by the Water Quality Act to formally include storm water runoff. Congress subsequently authorized the U.S. Environmental Agency (EPA) to administer the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program and issue storm water permits to municipalities regulating storm water discharges. In California, this authority was delegated by the EPA to the California State Water Resources Control board (SWRCB) and associated Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCB’s)
On February 5, 2013 the SWRCB adopted a Statewide General Storm Water Permit (SWP) for all Phase 2 communities (SWRCB Water Quality Order No 2013-001-DWR, NPDES General Permit No CA000004, Waste Discharge Requirements for Storm Waste Discharges for Small MS4s). The permit outlines the compliance requirements for local jurisdictions and the timing for the completion of certain mandates during each year of the 5-year permit term. This term became effective on July 1, 2013.
The issuance of the State General Permit included additional requirements of all new and redeveloped projects, namely, the inclusion of Low Impact Design (LID) elements, and hydromodification requirements.
In an effort to provide a consistent approach to the design requirements of the new permit, the City of Roseville partnered with the County of Placer, the City of Lincoln, the City of Auburn and the town of Loomis to produce the West Placer Storm Water Quality Design Manual, which was adopted by the Roseville City Council on May 5, 2016.
Existing Stormwater Management Program
The Roseville City Council adopted the Urban Stormwater Quality Management Discharge Control Ordinance which was made part of the Roseville Municipal Code.
The overall City’s Stormwater Management Program is managed by the Solid Waste Division of the Environmental Utilities Department (EU) with the responsibility for all new and redevelopment projects as well as construction inspection of new storm water related improvements delegated to the Land Development Engineering section of the Development Services Department. Learn more about the Stormwater Management Program.
Components of the State General Storm Water Permit require the City to develop a construction site run-off program and a post development run-off program which includes an ongoing stormwater quality maintenance program to ensure that stormwater quality treatment devices installed by private developers are properly maintained and functional over time. The City’s Development Services Department oversees these three elements for the Program.
For questions concerning the post-construction stormwater quality design standards contact the Development Services Engineering at (916) 774-5339.