Click on the map to choose an area and view associated documents.
The City of Roseville has sixteen subareas that have been planned for urban development. These include the Infill Area, the North Industrial area, and seventeen specific plan areas, as shown on the map above. If you have any questions regarding these documents contact department staff at 916-774-5276 or [email protected].
Specific Plan
A Specific Plan is a comprehensive planning document that guides the development of a defined geographic area that includes a mix of uses such as residential, commercial, industrial, schools, parks and open space. Specific Plans typically include more detailed information than the General Plan about land use, traffic circulation, affordable housing programs, resource management strategies, development standards and a comprehensive infrastructure plan. Specific Plans contain detailed regulations, conditions, programs and design criteria unique to that area and serve to implement the General Plan. Roseville has seventeen Specific Plan areas as shown in the map above. All of these Specific Plans have been adopted by the City Council after an extensive review process by city staff, commissions and the public.
Development Agreements
California planning law authorizes cities and developers to enter into a contract (Development Agreement) to lock in regulations and policies governing the property. Development Agreements benefit the city and its residents as well as the developer by detailing the developer's responsibilities for public improvements and infrastructure such as street lights and roads. Development Agreements also give developers the certainty they need to develop their property. With the obligations of both the City and the developer detailed and in writing, the project area is able to develop smoothly with few obstacles.
Additional planning documents are available through the Citywide Planning Documents and General Plan pages.