How Roseville has planned and invested in flood protection

Updated January 07, 2022
Dry Creek in 1995
Pictured: Dry Creek in 1995

Did you know that Roseville has experienced historic flooding in the past?

A storm 25 years ago this month could've been much worse. But we were better protected, thanks to thoughtful planning and infrastructure investments. 

Since flooding in the 1980s and ‘90s, Roseville along with FEMA, invested $32 million to improve infrastructure. This includes stream widening, flood walls, storm water bypass channels, and annual stream maintenance. These efforts earned our city the nation’s highest FEMA flood protection rating, reducing flood insurance rates by up to 45%. 

Additionally, improved development standards and more accurate floodplain modeling have helped keep new construction at higher elevations. 

Learn more about Roseville flood management efforts and preparedness steps you can take: