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Roseville increases penalties for illegal fireworks

Illegal fireworks carry many risks, including injury to yourself or others, property damage from fires or explosions, the safety of our first responders, costs of responding to emergencies, environmental harm to open space and air quality, and legal consequences for people who use them. 

The Roseville City Council amended the municipal code in May 2024, making penalties for those who use illegal fireworks much more severe starting this year.  

Here's what you need to know:

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Stiffer fines for 
illegal fireworks

Each individual illegal firework
counts as a separate offense.
First offense: $750 fine

Each subsequent 
offense: $1,000 fine 
Example: If you are caught with 3 illegal fireworks in your possession, 
the fine would be $2,750!

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More severe legal

Possession of illegal fireworks
can now be cited as a criminal misdemeanor, not just an infraction.  

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Liability for the costs for emergency response

Individuals responsible for
illegal fireworks can be charged
the actual costs of emergency responses, in addition to fines. 
Example: Costs for emergency response typically run thousands of dollars. 

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Responsibility of
property owners

Penalties are now in place for
owners, renters, and anyone
hosting a gathering who knowingly
allows the use or storage of illegal fireworks on their property. 


Check out Roseville’s 4th of July events and activities at

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