Engage Roseville

Engage Roseville is a community effort to involve residents, businesses, and others who have a stake in Roseville’s quality of life, in prioritizing city services and developing options to align service levels with revenues.

The Roseville City Council approved formation of a volunteer Community Priorities Advisory Committee (CPAC) as one of several comprehensive activities to ensure direct and meaningful community participation in reviewing levels of City-provided services. The committee process is intended to bring together Roseville residents and businesses to assess specific general fund City services and programs, and provide policy level recommendations to prioritize what we value as a community.

Why do we need to do this now?

During the recession and as the economy began to recover, Roseville’s strong fiscal management allowed the City to maintain quality-of-life services while minimizing cuts.

We reduced staffing, implemented pension reforms, cut hours at city facilities and cut community events to maintain a balanced budget and level of services. In addition, the City borrowed from other funds that now need to be replenished.

In the time since, we’ve conducted performance audits to ensure our staffing levels and structure provide efficiency and effectiveness. And we have partnered with our labor groups to slow payroll growth, reduce post-retirement benefits, and reduce salaries.

All the while, a constantly changing legislative and regulatory environment continues to add unfunded mandates and significant costs to the City’s operations, such as the State moving responsibility for stormwater management from the State to local government, adding $1 million annually to city expenses.

These realities, in addition to a slowing and shifting economy, have led to a budget gap that is projected to widen in the years ahead.

How does the budget look today?

We achieved a break-even budget in FY 2016-17, where operational expenses matched operational revenues without borrowing from other funds. While the City’s fiscal position has been improving, costs are growing faster than revenues.

In addition, we have deferred maintenance costs and other long-term liabilities that are coming due. If the City were to maintain its current levels of service while also fully funding its long-term liabilities and deferred maintenance, the general fund budget would realize a $14 million structural deficit per year, resulting in a fiscally unsustainable position moving forward.

To learn more about the City's budgeting process, please watch this 90-second video:

How are we going to tackle the budget gap?

In response to this fiscal reality, the Council directed staff at its February 2nd goals workshop to initiate a process involving the community aimed at evaluating the City’s general fund operations and revenues.

The goal is to find a way to balance the City’s obligation to maintain fiscal stability while continuing to provide high-quality essential services and addressing long-term liabilities.

What are some of the City’s quality-of-life goals?

Public safety:

  • Maintaining 9-1-1 emergency medical response services and response times;
  • Maintaining police crime suppression and investigation units;
  • Preventing and investigating property-related crimes like theft and burglary; and
  • Maintaining the number of Police officers on neighborhood patrols.

Streets and roads:

  • Maintaining city infrastructure such as storm drains, bridges, and facilities; and
  • Maintaining city streets, roads and repairing potholes.

Parks, Recreation, and Libraries:

  • Maintaining city parks, recreation facilities, trees, and landscape corridors;
  • Maintaining community centers, aquatic facilities, and event programming; and
  • Maintaining library services and ensuring public access.

Local economy and jobs creation:

  • Maintaining programs to improve the local economy and job creation; and
  • Attracting and retaining local businesses.

How can I get involved?

Extensive community participation will help ensure the City has a clear understanding of community priorities, the community has a clear understanding of fiscal constraints and opportunities, and recommendations can be developed to align resources accordingly.

Several options to engage this effort exist:

Community Priorities Advisory Committee
The Roseville City Council approved formation of a volunteer Community Priorities Advisory Committee (CPAC) as one of several comprehensive activities to ensure direct and meaningful community participation in reviewing levels of City-provided services.

The committee process is intended to bring together Roseville residents and businesses to assess specific general fund City services and programs, and provide policy level recommendations to prioritize what we value as a community.

  • The application period was open for five weeks, until May 26, 2017. The City Council appointed at-large members at its June 12, 2017 public meeting.
  • The committee will meet 6-8 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at either the Martha Riley Library Building, 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd. or the Maidu Community Center, 1550 Maidu Dr., from July 2017 through Spring 2018.
  • Meetings are open to the public and will be videotaped and available for viewing on the City’s government-access channel COR-TV (Comcast 14 and Consolidated 73) and on the City’s website.

Appointed Representatives from community organizations:

  • Roseville Planning Commission: Krista Bernasconi, (Bruce Houdesheldt - alternate)
  • Roseville Parks and Recreation Commission: Roy Sterns, (Matthew Bridge - alternate)
  • Roseville Transportation Commission: David Nelson, (Sergey Terebkov - alternate)
  • Roseville Chamber of Commerce: Jared Thomas, (John Mason - alternate)
  • California Building Industry Association: John Tallman
  • Roseville Joint Union High School District: Julie Hirota, (Joe Langdon - alternate)
  • Roseville City School District: Derk Garcia, (Dennis Snelling - alternative)

Appointed At-Large Members:

  • Ellaison Carroll
  • Pete Constant
  • Stephanie Dement
  • Kristine Dohner
  • Jack Ellison
  • Valerie Gross
  • Kathryn Kitchell
  • Michael Laperche, Sr.    
  • Marcus Lo Duca
  • Tracy Mendonsa
  • Jason Probst
  • Elaine Webb
  • Randall Wilson
  • Richard Roccucci (alternate)
  • Richard Duffy (alternate)

    Meeting Schedule:
    Meetings will be held 6 - 8 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month beginning July 12, 2017 at the Martha Riley Library, 1501 Pleasant Grove Boulevard.

  • July 12, 2017
  • July 26, 2017
  • August 9, 2017 * (Maidu Community Center)    
  • August 23, 2017
  • September 13, 2017
  • September 27, 2017
  • October 11, 2017
  • October 25, 2017
  • November 8, 2017
  • November 29, 2017
  • December 13, 2017
  • January 10, 2018
  • January 24, 2018
  • February 14, 2018
  • February 28, 2018
  • March 14, 2018

  • Public Engagement Plan

    To obtain direct public input, the City is developing a public-engagement plan with the following goals:

    • Gather additional, direct feedback about quality of life services important to the broader community;
    • Continue to inform residents about the City’s budget, fiscal situation and needs, including revenues, expenses and challenges;
    • Highlight the trade-offs associated with allocating limited resources;
    • Support continued transparency of the City’s decision-making process and maintain the City’s tradition and practice of community collaboration and trust; and
    • Provide important information to City Council and City staff about the kind of community people want to live in and which services they value.

    Strategies for engaging the wider community to obtain direct public input could include: online town halls, social media, surveys, public forums, community events, and community-based meetings involving presentations, exercises, opinion research, and a concentrated focus on two-way communication. All of these elements will be considered in development of the public-engagement plan.

    As always, the City will continue its emphasis of partnering with local media to keep people informed as well.

    How will I know what’s happening with this effort?

    • Continue to check this webpage for updates.
    • Subscribe to the City’s bi-weekly e-newsletter: City of Roseville News at www.roseville.ca.us/connect
    • Watch meetings of the Community Priorities Advisory Committee online
    • Attend meetings of the Community Priorities Advisory Committee
    • Participate in digital democracy via surveys, online town halls, community meetings and events as publicized in City of Roseville News e-newsletter and the City’s dedicated webpage.


    For inquiries related to the Community Priorities Advisory Committee:
    Mike Isom, [email protected], 916-774-5527
    Kathy Pease, [email protected], 916-774-5434

    For inquiries related to public engagement:
    Megan MacPherson, [email protected], 916-775-5455