The City of Roseville is transforming the City’s business through a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tool called Oracle Cloud.

As part of the ERP implementation, a new Supplier Portal will be available to manage supplier activities beginning July 1, 2018.

This website contains training material and reference guides to assist suppliers in using the new Supplier Portal.

If you have further questions after viewing the material on this site, please email [email protected] or call the supplier portal help line at 916-774-5378 and a member of our team will respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for your partnership and continued work with the City of Roseville.

What is the Supplier Portal?
The Supplier Portal is an online application that structures all supplier communication through a secure, Internet-based portal.

The Supplier Portal allows Suppliers to:
•    Submit invoices for payment
•    Perform 24 x 7 payment inquiries
•    Initiate payment and transaction disputes
•    Acknowledge and update PO’s

When will the Supplier Portal go-live?
The Supplier Portal will go-live with Phase 1 of the City’s ERP implementation on July 1, 2018.

Frequently Asked Questions

Registering via the Supplier Portal
Responding to an Informal Bid
Acknowledging a Purchase Order
Viewing a Purchase Order
Submitting an Invoice
Viewing an Invoice
Viewing Payments