City of Roseville Process for Ceremonial Documents
Ceremonial documents recognize matters of citywide significance and demonstrate relevancy to the Roseville community and do not carry any legal, legislative or monetary value. They are a form of government speech and include citywide proclamations as well as certificates of recognition.
Who may request a ceremonial document?
Roseville resident, Roseville-based organization, Roseville business, or City of Roseville employee.
How many times a year can a person or organization be issued a ceremonial document?
Lead time:
30 days to allow time for internal review process.
Types of Ceremonial Documents:
- Declare matters of local, regional, or national importance
- Honor, celebrate, or create awareness of event, special occasion, cause or significant issue that has a major citywide impact
- Be related to a community benefit, community organization or City of Roseville operations and within Roseville’s jurisdiction
- Are approved to be placed on the City Council agenda or issued by the Mayor and City Manager or their designee(s) in their sole discretion
- The Mayor and City Manager reserve the right to modify, edit or amend the final wording of any Proclamation as well as reserve the right to decline any request
Resolutions of Commendation/Congratulations:
- Acknowledge achievements of individuals, groups or businesses in the City of Roseville
- Recognize individuals or groups who have made significant contributions to the community
Certificates of Recognition:
- Must have connection to a Roseville resident, organization, action, or event
- Recognize special events, actions, or efforts in people’s lives or in an organization
- Can be mailed, picked up or presented at an event, but will not be presented at a City Council meeting
Ceremonial documents will not be issued for or issued to:
- Religious purposes or activities or to advocate or oppose a particular religion or religious belief
- Matters occurring in countries outside of the United States
- Events or organizations with no direct relationship to the City of Roseville
- Campaigns or events contrary to the mission, vision, values, and priorities in the Council’s Strategic Plan
- Organizations or persons whose policies or aims advocate violence, hatred, or any other position contrary to people’s well-being or quality of life
- Organizations or persons that discriminate or are linked to organizations that discriminate, advocate violence or hatred on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, medical condition, marital status, age, sex, or sexual orientation
- Matters affiliated with a political campaign, political candidate, political agenda, or potential political controversy
- Subjects that may suggest an official City position on a matter under consideration or to be voted upon by the City Council
- Advertisement purposes or commercial promotion for a business
Ceremonial Document Request Form