General Plan (2035)
The General Plan serves as a long-term policy guide for physical, economic, and environmental growth. It is a statement of the community's vision of its ultimate physical growth. State law requires that every county and city prepare and adopt a comprehensive long-range plan to serve as a guide for the development of the community. City actions, such as those relating to land use allocations, annexations, zoning, subdivision and design review, as well as capital improvements must be consistent with the General Plan. The General Plan also designates land use categories for the entire city. Each land use category is identified and defined within the General Plan and includes information on the general uses, development, intensity, siting and compatibility standards.
The General Plan 2035 was adopted by the City Council on August 5, 2020 and addresses recent State legislation, the 2017 General Plan Guidelines, and updates to the CEQA Guidelines and case law. The General Plan 2035 is provided below. The General Plan Land Use Map is located here.
An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared to cover the General Plan update. The EIR also addresses SB 743 (VMT) as it relates to active transportation and travel demand and the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), passed by the State of California in 2006, which sets a goal to reduce Statewide emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Under the Global Warming Solutions Act, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) developed a Climate Change Scoping Plan, encouraging local governments to adopt their own greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. Following the passage of AB 32, Senate Bill 32 was passed expanding on the prior mandate and required California to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. Based on the State’s adoption of a more aggressive standard, the City completed a greenhouse gas inventory on a citywide level and established feasible measures that will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and comply with recent legislation. The EIR was certified on August 5, 2020 (SCH# 2019080418). The Final EIR, which incorporates the Draft EIR, is provided below.