November 16, 2021 Update
The City of Roseville is studying and seeking input on potential implementation of a commercial linkage affordable housing fee. Commercial linkage fees, also known as housing impact fees, are in use throughout California as a way for jurisdictions to create a revenue stream needed to provide gap financing for affordable housing projects. Affordable housing is permanent housing (usually apartments) offered at reduced rents for lower income families. Linkage fees are a type of development impact fee governed by California’s Mitigation Fee Act and assessed on new non-residential buildings to mitigate the additional demand for affordable housing generated by corresponding employment growth.
The proposed fee would apply to all new non-residential building construction. In lieu of fee payment, landowners would have the option to produce regulated affordable housing units in a number determined by formula provided by the proposed ordinance. Details of the proposal can be found in the November 2021 commercial linkage fee nexus study and discussion materials prepared by Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. and the presentation materials in the links below.
Written comments on the proposal may be directed to:
Mike Isom, Development Services Director
City of Roseville
311 Vernon Street
Roseville, CA 95678
[email protected]
Commercial Linkage Fee Nexus Study
Linkage Fee Discussion Materials
Linkage Fee Outreach Presentation
DRAFT Commercial Linkage Fee Ordinance
August 19, 2021 Update
The City’s 2021 Housing Element was adopted by City Council on August 18, 2021; a link to the adopted Housing Element is located on both the About page and the Documents page. The Housing Element is effective for the eight-year period from 2021 to 2029, and this time period will include program monitoring and implementation. Annual progress reports will be published each spring, covering the prior calendar year, which will discuss the effectiveness of programs and report on program implementation. The implementation of certain programs requires the preparation of additional policies and projects to meet the City’s housing goals, which will include public outreach and public hearings. This includes Housing Element Program 14, which is the City’s Rezone Program to ensure adequate affordable housing capacity. This website will be a source of information for Housing Element implementation activities. Interested members of the community are encouraged to sign up for updates if you wish to be a part of the implementation process.
August 6, 2021 Update
On July 22, 2021 the Planning Commission of the City of Roseville held a public hearing to consider the Adoption Draft of the 2021 Housing Element, and unanimously recommended that City Council approve the project. On August 18, 2021 at 6 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the City Council of the City of Roseville will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA for the purpose of approving the 2021 Housing Element.
The Final Draft of the Housing Element, which includes revisions in response to public comments received on the Adoption Draft Housing Element, has been published to the project website and is available for review. To facilitate your review, the City has published a clean version of the Housing Element; a redlines version; a companion document of just the goal, policy, and program revisions; and a companion document of just the 2013 Housing Element tables compared to the 2021 Housing Element tables. These documents and the official hearing notice are available on the Documents page; see links below.
A staff report and hearing agenda will be published prior to the City Council hearing and posted to the City Council Agendas and Minutes website. The City Council will hear public comments before taking action on the project.
View the Redlines – Final Draft 2021 Housing Element
View the Final Draft 2021 Housing Element
View the Goal, Policy and Program Revisions companion document
View the Table Revisions companion document
View the official hearing notice