The Sierra Vista Specific Plan includes 2,064 acres west of Fiddyment Road, north of Baseline Road. The Plan area was annexed into the City of Roseville from unincorporated Placer County.
The Specific Plan includes 8,679 single and multi-family units, including approximately 259 acres of Commercial, 106 acres of Park, 304 acres of Open Space, 56 acres of Schools and 40 acres of Urban Reserve. At build-out, the Plan area is expected to accommodate approximately 20,045 residents and provide 9,000 jobs.
The Plan was adopted in May 2010. The Plan was amended in June 2012 to entitle land uses on the Westbrook property.
Construction Update: The building of streets, infrastructure and structures (including homes and retail) within the Sierra Vista Specific Plan (SVSP) is the responsibility of the owners of the property within the area. This is consistent with development throughout Roseville.
However unique to other Roseville specific plans, there are eight different landowners within the SVSP. Each landowner will develop their portion based on their own business needs and market assessments.
In the short-term this may leave undeveloped parcels in between two or more developed parcels. For the latest updates on development activity, see our Development Activity Map or call our Planning Division at 916-774-5276.
Placer Vineyards, a mixed-use planned community, is being developed west of Fiddyment Road but south of Baseline Road in Placer County. Its construction timeline is independent of the Sierra Vista Specific Plan development. More information about Placer Vineyards can be found here.