Overview of the Roseville's WIFIA Application Sections

The City has prepared an application for WIFIA (Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act ) credit assistance for Roseville's Water Future Initiative. The application provides additional information on the financial creditworthiness and engineering feasibility of the project to allow a more detailed review by EPA. It also expands upon technical and financial information provided in the letter of interest.

If approved by the City Council, the City will submit the application to EPA in September 2020. The following list outlines the key elements of the City’s WIFIA application, which are included in the attachments below:

Sections A/B: Applicant Information: This section provides basic information on the City and describes the City’s organizational history, ownership, structure, and customer base.

Section C: Financing Plan: This section details the City’s comprehensive plan for how the Initiative will be financed and how financing will be repaid over the tenor of the requested WIFIA credit assistance. This includes a detailed financial model developed by City staff and a description of the dedicated sources of repayment. This section also identifies the City’s proposed terms and conditions for the WIFIA credit assistance.

Section D: Detailed Project Information: This section provides detailed information on the Water Component and Water Reuse Component of the Initiative, including the location, estimated costs, plans and specifications, and schedule. Additional information is provided in attached technical reports and documents which serve to support EPA’s evaluation of the Initiative’s engineering feasibility. These include preliminary plans and design documents, cost estimates, environmental review documentation, project management plans, and risk mitigation strategies.

Section E: This section describes the City’s plan to operate and maintain the project after construction. Both the Water Component and Water Reuse Component will be operated by City staff.