FOR COMMUNITY FACILITY DISTRICTS (CFDs) AND LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS (LLDs) QUESTIONS: Please contact the City of Roseville's District Administrator at Willdan Financial Services 1-800-755-6864 or

With the parcel Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) residents can obtain tax information by using the link to the Placer County website located at the bottom of this page.

If you don't know your APN number, you can obtain it from the City's Property Information Tool. Select Property Information located at the right of the screen, enter your address and click GO. Select the option to View Property Report, the APN number will be located at the top of the report.

The City of Roseville has the following Special Taxes & Assessment Districts. Please see our additional Navigation links that reference our document library for the following documents for each district:

  • District Boundary Map
  • Hearing Report (Mello Roos Districts only) - This document is prepared by a consultant and is a detailed Financing Plan for the district.
  • Official Statement (Mello Roos Bond Districts only)
  • Resolution of Formation - This is the formation document that is approved by the City of Roseville Council for each district. This resolution includes a list of the Authorized Facilities that the district pays for or maintains and a Rate and Method which explains how the tax is calculated in the district.
  • Specific Plan Land Use Map - This is a detailed parcel map for the Specific Plan that the relevant district is located in.

Goals and Policies-Mello-Roos Community Faciltities Act of 1982

1915 Special Assessment Bond Districts

Willdan Financial Services administers all of the City's 1915 bonds. Annual Tax Levy Reports may be obtained from their website.

  • Foothill Blvd Extension - Assessment
  • North Rsvlle-Rocklin Sewer Ref District
  • Rocky Ridge/Harding Ref District
  • Taylor Road Sewer Assessment

Mello Roos Bond Districts

Willdan Financial Services administers all of the City's bonded districts. Disclosure Reports and Annual Tax Levy reports may be obtained from their Website.

View the Bond District Document Library.

Mello Roos Service Districts

Willdan Financial Services administers all of the City's services districts. Annual Tax Levy Reports may be obtained from their website.

View the Service Districts Document Library.

Landscape & Lighting Districts

Citywide Map of all Landscape & Lighting Districts 04/11/2005 13:23:24 (size:1.91 MB)

Willdan Financial Services administers all of the City's LLD's. Annual Tax Levy reports may be obtained from their website. 

View the LLD Document Library.

When do I pay these Special Taxes & Assessments?

CFD special taxes are typically collected on your general property tax bill with payments due on December 10th and April 10th of each year. These special taxes are subject to the same penalties that apply to regular property taxes.

CFD special taxes are typically collected on your general property tax bill with payments due on December 10th and April 10th of each year. These special taxes are subject to the same penalties that apply to regular property taxes.

FOR COMMUNITY FACILITY DISTRICTS (CFDs) AND LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS (LLDs) QUESTIONS: Please contact the City of Roseville's District Administrator at Willdan Financial Services 1-800-755-6864 or

With the parcel Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) residents can obtain tax information by using the link to the Placer County website located at the bottom of this page.

If you don't know your APN number, you can obtain it from the City's Property Information tool at the following link Online Mapping Service. Select Property Information located at the right of the screen, enter your address and click GO. Select the option to View Property Report, the APN number will be located at the top of the report.

The City of Roseville has the following Special Taxes & Assessment Districts. Please see our additional Navigation links that reference our document library for the following documents for each district:

  • District Boundary Map
  • Hearing Report (Mello Roos Districts only) - This document is prepared by a consultant and is a detailed Financing Plan for the district.
  • Official Statement (Mello Roos Bond Districts only)
  • Resolution of Formation - This is the formation document that is approved by the City of Roseville Council for each district. This resolution includes a list of the Authorized Facilities that the district pays for or maintains and a Rate and Method which explains how the tax is calculated in the district.
  • Specific Plan Land Use Map - This is a detailed parcel map for the Specific Plan that the relevant district is located in.

State Reporting Requirements



Section 53343.2 is added to the Government Code, to read:


A local agency that has an Internet Web site, within seven months after the last day of each fiscal year of the district, shall display prominently on its Internet Web site all of the following information:

(a) A copy of an annual report for that fiscal year if requested pursuant to Section 53343.1, AB2851
Nothing requested at this time

(b) A copy of the report provided to the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission pursuant to Section 53359.5.
2024 Roseville YSFSR CDIAC Reports
2024 Roseville Authority CDIAC Reports
2024 Roseville Obilgor CDIAC Reports

(c) A copy of the report provided to the Controller's office pursuant to Section 12463.2.
Roseville 2024 Parcel Tax Reporting - AB2109

SEC. 2.

No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution because a local agency or school district has the authority to levy service charges, fees, or assessments sufficient to pay for the program or level of service mandated by this act, within the meaning of Section 17556 of the Government Code.

Annual Maintenance Cost Schedule for Maintenance CFDs


The proposed Schedule of Maintenance Costs and Charges for Maintenance CFDs identifies costs for services provided by the City at the request of, or on behalf of individual districts, as opposed to the public at large.  

This schedule of costs and charges is intended for application to all new maintenance CFDs planned and formed by the City. Prior to this uniform schedule, existing CFDs have negotiated individually with the City, resulting in divergent charges and potentially disparate recovery of the costs of service.  

The City published Goals and Policies Concerning the Use of Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, effective April 3, 2024. These policies affirm the purpose of CFDs, which is to “fund all or a portion of the ongoing costs of parks and open space, public landscaping, police and fire protection services and library services and maintenance; and/or to pay for any unfunded ongoing City maintenance or service costs associated with the development project.”  

The Schedule of Maintenance Costs and Charges for Maintenance CFDs is intended to be reviewed annually. The schedule of costs and charges, effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, is based on the results of a study completed in May 2023 and applying the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) change from October to October, as allowed per Council via Resolution. The report can be found in the link below.  

It is important to note that while establishing a universal schedule of costs and charges might provide a fiscal impact in the form of additional revenue, the revenue is not intended to be used to fund new services, rather the revenue is intended to offset the costs of providing existing services that are recoverable from the schedule. Consequently, while charges may rise annually, typically labor costs (the primary driver of service costs) also rise annually. Recalibration of the schedule of costs and charges simply provides an offset of existing expenditure/needs rather than a source of funding for expanded service levels.

Annual Maintenance Cost Schedule for Maintenance CFDs

 Resolution 23-140

Additional Resources

Additional Landscape & Lighting Information can be found from the City of Roseville's Park Maintenance Website.

Additional Park Maintenance contact phone numbers.

Placer County Assessor's Office website: To view all taxes that are assessed on your property, you can contact the Placer County's website. Please have your APN (Assessors Parcel Number) ready.