Our parks and open spaces are a large part of what makes living in Roseville so special. The Community Gifts Program offers individuals and organizations a way to enhance our City Parks and to provide an opportunity to recognize loved ones who have passed away, or to honor those who have made an impact in our community. The gift of a park bench, tree, memorial bench or brick improves the beauty and value of our parks. If you would like to donate, you can select from the items listed.
(Donations for a park bench, tree or brick is considered a tax deductible donation through the City of Roseville. Donors should retain their canceled check, or receipt from their online donation, for tax purposes.)
Thank you in advance for your consideration and support for the City of Roseville Parks, Recreation & Libraries Department. Your donations help us keep our parks beautiful now and for future generations.
• New Regular Park Bench - $750
• New Memorial Bench with Plaque – $2,000
Different benches are used in various parks and green spaces. The type of bench used and the location is determined by the City of Roseville in accordance with the Parks Master Plan.
• 15 Gallon Tree - $300 no plaque
• 24” Box Tree - $500 no plaque
• Veteran’s Memorial Tree - $300 (name, rank & dates on separate plaque display on site) located at Veterans Memorial Park North tree grove
The variety and quality of trees contribute to the beauty and value of our parks. Donors can request the park location and species of tree for their donation but our Urban Forester has final approval. The Parks department determines the exact location and most plantings occur in fall or early spring
Memorial brick - $100 (Engraving on brick)
Memorial bricks are located at Veterans Memorial Park North specifically for Veterans and the Veterans brick walk. There are no other locations for memorial bricks.
Additional information:
Donations may be anonymous or in the name of a special person.
If you’re submitting your donation my mail please send your check (made payable to the City of Roseville) and order form to:
Community Gifts Program
City of Roseville
Parks, Recreation & Libraries
2005 Hilltop Cir.
Roseville, CA 95747