The Patrol Division is the "front line" of the Roseville Police Department. Uniformed Patrol Officers, Community Service Officers, and Cadets respond to the scene of both emergency and non-emergency crimes, traffic collisions, and other requests for police services seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
Patrol Officers are responsible for patrolling one of the six beats which make up the Police Department's beat system. When not actively handling a call for service, Patrol officers work to identify crime trends in their assigned neighborhoods and work with neighbors to find solutions to those issues. Officers regularly attend neighborhood association meetings to get to know the residents in their patrol beat to help foster communication and collaboration in solving problems.
Community Services Officers and Cadets effectively handle many calls for service including crime reports, traffic collisions, missing persons reports, abandoned vehicle complaints, and many other service requests that do not require a Police Officer to respond and frees up the Officer for priority calls for service throughout the City.
Our Patrol officers are assigned to teams working Tuesday through Friday and Saturday through Tuesday with the Tuesday rotating between the teams in a "4-11/3-12" schedule where they work 4 eleven hour shifts one week followed by three days off and then 3 twelve hour shifts followed by four days off. Our Patrol Division works for shifts spread out through the day including Day Shift, Relief Shift, Swing Shift, and Night Shift.
Our Department provides a work-out period to start each officer's shift so our Patrol officers maintain the physical conditioning required of working as a police officer. Following the work-out period, officers attend briefing with their shift Sergeant to keep up on what's been happening in previous shifts before heading out to their assigned beat.