Explorer Post              Explorer Badge

The Roseville Police Department’s Explorer Program is a unique and challenging opportunity allowing young men and women (ages 14-20) to be an integral part of the Department’s operations while also gaining experience of what a career in law enforcement entails.

The program provides insight into the criminal justice system through training, practical 'hands-on' experience, Explorer Competitions, and other activities. Explorers also have opportunities to work alongside police officers who are assigned to the various units including Patrol, Investigations, Crime Suppression, and others.

Explorers will develop an understanding of the role of law enforcement and the criminal justice system, learn the importance of teamwork and collaboration, build good character, and improve self-confidence. They will also have opportunities to positively affect their community by volunteering for tasks and projects affiliated with Roseville Police Department functions and goals.

The Explorer program is not only for those interested in a career as a Police Officer; Explorers also learn about other career tracks within the department including Crime Scene Investigation (CSI), Property/Evidence, Records, Dispatch, and more!

The Mission of the Roseville Police Department Explorer Program is to develop young men and women into responsible and productive citizens through discipline and a commitment to serve their community.

- Must be between 14 - 20 years of age
- Have an interest in law enforcement
- Must have and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA
- No drug or alcohol use
- No serious criminal record
- Pass a thorough background check

- Participate in Explorer Activities
- Learn criminal law and police procedures
- Attend a minimum of 10 hours a month for meetings and activities

Competitions occur during the summer months while most schools are not in session and usually span three consecutive days, typically Friday – Sunday. The competition activities are completed Friday and Saturday, then the awards ceremony takes place on Sunday. Competitions allow Explorers the opportunity to test the knowledge, skills, and abilities they’ve learned through RPD. Our Explorers represent the Roseville Police Department and compete against other Explorer Posts from around California and occasionally neighboring states.

Historically, RPD Explorers have attended Competitions in Sacramento, Central Valley, and as far south as Tehachapi. When Competitions occur at distant locations, Explorers may stay in a hotel for the days of the Competition. This expense is covered for the Explorers through fundraisers and donations that are received by the Explorer Post through the year. The primary component of the Competition involves scenarios in which Explorers take the role of the responding officer(s) and will use their knowledge and skills to assess/respond to the situations presented. Explorers train for months ahead of time to enhance their skills and abilities in preparation for the competition. Some competitions include obstacle courses and physical challenges the Explorers work together to complete.

Competitions take a considerable amount of time, effort, and training and are designed to be demanding both physically and mentally. Previous competition event scenarios have included: traffic stop, DUI investigation, domestic violence investigation, building search, shooting skills, hostage negotiation, and many others.

- Ride Along with officers
- Explorer Meetings
- Physical fitness training
- Medical training
- Community service
- Traffic control
... and more!

- Gain exposure to various criminal justice careers and have positive interaction with law enforcement professionals
- Obtain 'hands-on' experience and awareness of the criminal justice system, allowing Explorers to make an informed decision on a career in law enforcement
- Preparation for a career-related college degree programs and other advanced education opportunities
- Benefit from interpersonal growth through self-discipline, teamwork, challenging experiences, and high standards of performance and personal conduct
- Enhanced character development and improved physical and mental fitness
- Learn responsibility to self and others through leadership opportunities

Explorers will themselves benefit from interpersonal growth through self-discipline, teamwork, challenging experiences, and high standards of performance, which will aid them in pursuing careers related and unrelated to the law enforcement fields. Other benefits include enhanced character development and improved physical and mental fitness. Explorers will learn responsibility, integrity, and be presented with leadership opportunities that will help to prepare them for many different career opportunities.

Have additional questions? E-mail Post 108 Advisor CSO Lisiewski at [email protected]

Click HERE to download an application form in a fillable PDF format.
Completed applications can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to Roseville Police Department, 1051 Junction Bl, Roseville CA 95678, ATTN: Officer N. Hance

The Explorer Program does not charge any fees or dues to its team members. All funding for the program comes from fundraising and donations.

HERE to donate to the Roseville Police Explorer Post 108. Your donation will be used to help equip Explorers with uniforms and required gear and help with the costs of competitions. 
You can also use this QR Code to go directly to the donation page:

Expl Donation