Scams Happen. Can you identify them?

Updated March 24, 2025
Scams Happen. Can you identify them?

Tackling fraud and scams takes more than posting warnings about suspicious links and online shopping gone wrong. Everyone needs to do their part by identifying and reporting fraud/scams and telling authorities if they fall victim or become aware of one.

The FBI identifies common scams you need to know:

  • Charity and disaster fraud — Unfortunately, not all donation campaigns are legitimate. To protect yourself when donating to a charity or disaster relief fund, give via checks or credit cards and research the organization by examining its history through the FTC.
  • Elder fraud — If you’re a senior, you may be more likely to become a target of fraud due to scammers hoping you’ll be a homeowner, have a good credit score, and have retirement/savings money. To protect yourself or a loved one, talk with family before making significant financial decisions, such as getting a substantial amount of gift cards or giving to someone who claims they need to help your relative out of a tight spot.  
  • Tech support scams — Impersonators can scam you via false tech support services by charging you a fee before they fix the issue, demanding payment immediately, or asking you to share your bank info before they continue. These scammers initiate contact through unsolicited calls or texts, Internet pop-up windows, or fake tech support websites.
  • Skimming — “Skimmers” are devices illegally installed on pay terminals, ATMs, or other points of transaction for cards. When you enter your PIN, they can record your info and use it to create fake accounts, open cards, or make unauthorized and illegal charges. Look for pinhole cameras on ATMs, use tap-to-pay, and carefully inspect terminals before using your card.
  • Healthcare fraud — This type of fraud can be committed by medical providers, patients, and others. For example, Providers could double bill or phantom bill their patients, Patients might let another person use their insurance, and Others might impersonate health care professionals by providing a service without a license. To keep yourself and others safe, do your research and be a responsible patient.

To test your knowledge and learn to identify a wider variety of scams, visit

Roseville PD takes fraud and scams seriously, and we need you to do your part in keeping yourself AND others safe by reporting to the FBI, FTC, and local law enforcement (that's us!).



RPD:  (916) 774-5000 

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