Roseville launches ‘Sustain the Gains’ landscape makeover contest

Updated June 19, 2017

Environmental Utilities launched Sustain the Gains, a landscape makeover contest designed to encourage continued efficient water use. The winning Roseville water customer will have their front yard re-imagined and transformed into a low-water-use landscape. Roseville homeowners can enter to win no later than August 31, 2017, at

The Sustain the Gains contest reminds customers to continue water-efficient behaviors adopted during the drought and encourages continued water saving efforts by installing a beautiful, water-efficient landscape or using low-water use technologies in the garden and inside the home.

“Although the drought emergency is over, Californians can never take our natural resources for granted,” said Bobby Alvarez, water efficiency program manager with the city’s Environmental Utilities. “Roseville water customers made significant improvements in water efficiency over the past several years- reducing water consumption by more than 30 percent compared to 2013. We want to encourage Roseville residents to sustain the progress we’ve made.”

The “Sustain the Gains” contest supports the Environmental Utilities’ Cash for Grass program which helps Roseville residents convert their water-thirsty grass to beautiful, water-efficient landscapes. Through Cash for Grass, Roseville residents can receive $.50 per square foot up to a maximum of $1,000 per household for turf grass removed when replaced with a water-efficient landscape. Homeowners can visit the City of Roseville website for the application and more information about the terms and conditions of the rebate program at

Reducing water use also saves Roseville homeowners money by rebating the upfront costs of efficient water- use technologies. Roseville offers a variety of rebates to help customers save water inside and outside their homes, including rebates for high-efficiency toilets, lawn conversions, irrigation efficiency and weather-based irrigation timers. Starting July 1, Environmental Utilities will offer expanded rebate offerings.

Terms and Conditions of the Sustain the Gains landscape makeover are available here. For other water efficiency program information visit