
Phase 1 construction completed

The first phase of Washington Boulevard/Andora Widening Project construction was completed in 2022. 

Subscribe to project updates. 

Phase 1 improvements included:
  • Widening Washington Boulevard from two to four lanes between Sawtell Road and Kaseberg Drive, as well as between Diamond Oaks Road and Pleasant Grove Boulevard;
  • Constructing a new multi-use trail along the east side of Washington Boulevard, from Pleasant Grove Boulevard to All America City Boulevard; 
  • Enhancing the current bicycle and pedestrian railroad under-crossing; 
  • Improving signalized intersections along Washington Boulevard; and
  • Installing a new traffic signal at the intersection of Washington Boulevard and Kaseberg Drive

Phasing map
View larger map. 


Phase 1 of work was fully funded and paid for with a $2.2 million California Transportation Commission Active Transportation grant, $1.1 million in state Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program funds, and $2 million in local funding from the City of Roseville. 

Future phase 2 updates


 Planned phase 2 improvements include: 
  • Widening Washington Boulevard from two to four lanes, between Kaseberg Drive and Diamond Oaks Road; and
  • Replacing and widening the Union Pacific Railroad Andora bridge.
The total cost of phase 2 requires approximately $30 million. A significant portion of this amount includes building a temporary shoofly to allow continued rail operations during construction of a new wider railroad bridge.

Despite applying for a variety of competitive state and federal funds, the necessary funding is not yet available for phase 2. The City continues to pursue funding opportunities. 

Environmental Impact Report

Final Environmental Impact Report 

The Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is available for public review. It includes responses to public comments received on the Draft EIR, which was circulated from June 17 to August 1, 2019.

Notice of Availability
Final Environmental Impact Report
California Environmental Quality Act Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations 

Hard copies of the document are available for review during normal business hours at the City of Roseville Permit Center, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95747.  

City Council is tentatively scheduled to consider certification of the Final EIR at its Wednesday, October 23 meeting. City Council meetings start at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 311 Vernon Street. View meeting agendas or call (916) 774-5263 to confirm meeting details. 

For questions about the EIR, please contact:  
Terri Shirhall, Environmental Coordinator 
(916) 774-5276

Draft Environmental Impact Report  

Notice of Availability
Draft Environmental Impact Report
Noise Study Report
Noise Study Report Appendices
Air Quality Conformity Analysis
Air Quality Study Report
Air Quality POAQC
Resources Evaluated Relative to the Requirements of Section 4(f)
Visual Impact Assessment
Natural Environment Study
Community Impact Assessment
Draft Noise Abatement Decision Report
Draft Initial Site Assessment/Preliminary Site Investigation 
Appendix A - Notice of Preparation and Public Comments
Appendix B - Final Transportation Study and Technical Memorandum 
Appendix C - Air Quality Analysis Assumptions 

2019 Community Meeting

Community Meeting 2019

2019 Community Meeting

At the community meeting on June 11, 2019 proposed updates to phase 1 construction were shared with more than 95 attendees.

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) unanimously approved changes to phase 1 plans for the project to include features requested by the community. Valuable public feedback from this community meeting was shared with the CTC at its October 2019 meeting.

View meeting summary and public comments. 

View project fact sheet. 

View the presentation slides and maps. 

Washington-Andora image

California Transportation Commission approval

In order to move forward with phase 1 construction, community support was necessary. The City was awarded an Active Transportation grant by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to partially fund the project's pedestrian and bike improvements.

Because the scope of phase 1 was revised to include the traffic signal and pathway south of Sawtell Road, the CTC wanted to know whether the public supported these enhancements.

The CTC considered the expanded project scope, along with community input from the public meeting, online survey, and other correspondence, and voted at the October 2019 meeting to approve the changes. Phase 1 construction is anticipated to begin in 2020. 

2016 Community Meetings


2016 Open House & Public Scoping Meeting

On Wednesday, September 21, 2016, the City of Roseville hosted a Community Open House and Public Scoping Meeting for the Washington Blvd. / Andora Widening Project. More than 60 residents attended the open house at Vencil Brown Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room, located at 250 Trestle Road in Roseville from 6 – 7:30 p.m.

Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Proposed Washington Boulevard/Andora Widening Project and a Notice of Public Scoping Meeting. 

Meeting summary

2016 Resident & Local Business Meetings

In summer 2016, the City of Roseville and the project team met with both residents and local businesses about the Washington/Andora Widening Project. More than 45 community members attended the two meetings with the project team to discuss the project, ask questions and provide feedback on the project and proposed construction approach.

Feedback form 

Resident meeting summary 

Business stakeholder meeting summary



 Begin project design and environmental clearance April 2016
 Concept design and initial public outreach August 2016
 Environmental Process 2019
 Final design 2019
 Phase 1 construction

 Phase 2 construction Funding for phase 2 has not been identified. 


Phase 1
$2.2 million
California Transportation Commission (CTC) Active Transportation grant 
$1.1 million
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program
$2 million
Local funding from the City of Roseville
Phase 2
Approximately $30 million
Funding sources for this phase has not yet been identified

A significant portion of this amount includes building a temporary shoofly to allow continued rail operations during construction of a new wider railroad bridge. Despite applying for a variety of competitive state and federal funds, the necessary funding is not yet available for phase 2.

About the Project

As part of the City of Roseville’s Traffic Master Plan, widening is planned for Washington Boulevard from Sawtell Road to Pleasant Grove Boulevard to improve traffic circulation and pedestrian traffic through the area.

Widening approximately one mile of Washington Boulevard from two to four lanes will better accommodate existing and future traffic volumes. Currently approximately 18,000 vehicles and 36 trains per day travel through this location.

Improvements will enhance accessibility for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists along Washington Boulevard and nearby intersections.

The project also includes the replacement and widening of the Union Pacific Railroad's Andora Bridge which crosses over Washington Boulevard.

This project includes a comprehensive public engagement effort which involves meeting with local businesses, residents, and schools.

View aerial map 

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