Roseville moves to basic water conservation stage as snowpack and reservoirs thrive

Updated June 19, 2023
Roseville moves to basic water conservation stage as snowpack and reservoirs thrive
Roseville is in a good situation with water right now because we had a lot of snow and rain during the winter. This means the state has plenty of water in our reservoirs, including Folsom Lake where Roseville gets its water supply. 

We used to be in a drought stage where we had to be careful with our water use, but now we have moved to a basic water conservation stage. Even though we have enough water now, we still need to be smart about how we use it because we never know when the next drought will happen. 

“The snow and rainfall we experienced was a welcome sight after experiencing continued dry conditions for a number of years,” said George Hanson, water utility manager. "Even though the drought is over for now, we still want our customers to use water efficiently, given the changing water supply conditions we’ve experienced over the years"

What is a basic conservation stage in a nutshell?

In the basic water conservation stage, we still need to use water efficiently. We can't let the water run off onto the sidewalk or road, and we should use nozzles on our hoses that automatically shut off. If there are any leaks, we need to get them fixed within five days. Commercial properties should not use water on non-functional grass. More information about our basic drought stage can be found here.

Continue healthy water-efficient habits

We know that saving water is a way of life in California, so it's crucial to develop good habits that will help us be prepared for the next drought. By practicing water conservation now, we'll build the skills and habits we need to respond quickly and effectively when the next dry spell hits. 

"Saving water doesn't have to be a daunting task," said Bobby Alvarez, water conservation administrator. "There are simple and achievable steps that customers can take to make a difference. Consider making retrofits, altering your landscaping watering habits, or even removing non-functional turf. These actions not only help conserve water but are also easily doable."

Some highly recommended water-saving measures that you can continue to do include:

Maintaining a three-day-a-week watering schedule and cycle and soak to prevent runoff.  

  • You can use our irrigation watering schedule to optimize the water used for your garden. 
  • Consider the Cycle and soak method which is a process of running your sprinklers in shorter increments spaced out over a period to allow for better absorption by the soil. For example, if you are running your sprinklers for eight minutes, break the watering cycle into two increments of four minutes, spaced an hour apart.

Replacing older sprinklers with high-efficiency rotary nozzles
You can improve your sprinkler system’s efficiency by 30 percent while building a healthy lawn with rotary nozzles. Rotary nozzles slowly deliver multiple rotating streams of water, reducing water waste by applying water at a rate the soil more easily absorbs.

Check for indoor leaks 
The most common type of leak inside a home is a toilet leak, which can waste 200 gallons of water per day. That’s enough to wash seven loads of laundry every day for a month.

Finding out if a toilet leak is quick and straightforward. Add a few drops of food coloring or a dye tab to the tank and wait about 15 minutes. If the color appears in the bowl, there is a leak. The cause of a toilet leak is often a worn toilet flapper, which can break down over time. And, when in doubt, be sure to consult a professional plumber.

Rebates save you money and save water

We offer rebates for residential customers to upgrade toilets to efficient ones or to remove turf grass for something more water-wise. Visit for program offerings. New rebate funding is available on July 1, 2023. 

Thank you, Roseville!

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during the drought stage, and we thank you for your efforts to conserve water. Together, we have made a significant impact on our water usage. As we transition to the basic water conservation stage, let's continue to be mindful of our water consumption and use it wisely.

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