Your car has something in it that’s in
high demand for thieves.
No, it’s not your GPS or your cell phone.
The item in questions is underneath your car, takes only seconds to remove, and
is required for your car to run properly and legally. It’s your car’s catalytic converter.
Roseville has
seen an increase in converter thefts in recent months. In July alone, there
were 15 thefts. The Toyota Prius was the
most frequently
targeted vehicle with 10 of the 15 thefts. Why the Prius? It may be due to the fact that they have
larger converters and thus contain more rare metals. Also, their location in the undercarriage
makes them relatively easy to remove once the vehicle is jacked up off the
ground. The Honda
Accord and Odyssey as well as the Toyota Highlander and Tundra were also
targeted in July. Catalytic converters
are typically stolen by using a small portable saw to quickly cut it off from
below the vehicle. A single Prius
catalytic converter could sell at a scrapyard for more than $450, as the Wall Street Journal reported in
February. Neighboring communities such as Sacramento,
Davis, and the Bay Area have also seen a spike in catalytic converter thefts.
Why catalytic converters?
The part contains precious metals such
as platinum, palladium and rhodium, making it a popular target for thieves
looking to make a quick buck. Converters can often be removed in less than two
minutes and have no identifiable markings.
Don’t make your car an easy target for thieves.
- If possible, park your car in your garage with
the door closed when you are at home (or use motion-detection lights if parking
in a driveway).
- Park your vehicle in well-populated, well-lit
- Park close to a building entrance or to the
nearest access road when parking in a public lot. This is due to the
increased amount of pedestrian traffic in those areas.
- If you have a security system on your car,
calibrate it so vibration sets it off. This ensures the alarm activates
if a thief tries to saw off the converter.
- Consider talking with your mechanic on how to
better secure your catalytic converter.
- Etch the license plate number/VIN on the
catalytic converter.
- If you do become a victim of catalytic converter
theft, file a report with the police department.
- If you see something suspicious, like a person
working on the underside of a car in the middle of the night along, call the
police immediately.
- Consider starting a Neighborhood Watch group
with your neighbors. By working together, you and your neighbors can look
out for each other.
Nothing can totally prevent a criminal
from stealing your catalytic converter. Thieves select vehicles that are easy
targets. You can make your vehicle less
attractive to thieves by following the tips mentioned above.