The City’s draft Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget of $784 million is available for public review. The General Fund operating budget is $214 million while the remaining $570 million in funding is primarily dedicated to the electric, water, wastewater, and waste services utilities.
The General Fund budget includes funding for public safety, Parks, Recreation & Libraries, public works, information technology and general government functions.
Our Budget in Brief offers a high-level view of the expenses, revenues and budget priorities in the FY2023-24 draft budget. Along with our Open Budget data, this is part of the City’s commitment to providing complex operational and financial data in an open and easy-to-understand format. Open Budget provides a guided view of our budget and a transparent look at how public funds are allocated in Roseville. The FY2023-24 budget will be included in Open Budget after adoption by the City Council.
General Fund: Where does the money go?

The FY2023-24 budget has been developed to account for the expected rise in labor costs and other unavoidable expenses. It also includes augmentations to maintain the City’s service levels and address the City Council’s top priorities. The budget aims to ensure the maintenance of necessary capital infrastructure, and the mitigation of unfunded liabilities for the long-term benefit of our community.
How can I participate in the budget process?
Public participation in the budget process is essential to establishing citywide budget priorities. Many public meetings have already taken place and the following opportunities remain:
- Budget hearings - 4 p.m., Tuesday, May 30
- City Council considers budget for adoption - 6 p.m., Wednesday, June 21
The meetings will take place in the City Council Chambers, 311 Vernon St. in Downtown Roseville.
The meetings can also be viewed live at or
Fiscal responsibility with a focus on mission
The budget directly supports the City’s mission to provide exceptional services in a fiscally responsible manner. Here are some funding highlights in the FY2023-24 budget
- Opening of new Fire Station 8
- Bolster the Police Social Services Unit
- Initiate the design of three new neighborhood parks
- Invest in capital improvement projects, including the Roseville Soccer Complex, a new electric substation to serve Creekview and Amoruso Ranch, and a new stormwater detention basin in the Al Johnson Wildlife Area
- Invest in asset rehabilitation and improvements, including Weber Park, Johnson Pool, the downtown Roseville water distribution system, the City’s Traffic Operations Center, and City facility security
- Support business growth, attract private investments, and deliver housing options in ways that enhance community vitality
- Participate in regional efforts to identify strategies to address homelessness
- Pay down unfunded liabilities to improve the City’s financial condition
- Maintain economic stabilization and emergency reserve funding goals to mitigate future economic downturns
The budget aligns with the City Council’s Strategic Plan goals:
- Maintain a safe and healthy community
- Remain fiscally responsible in a changing world
- Enhance economic vitality
- Invest in well-planned infrastructure and growth
- Support community engagement and advocacy
- Deliver exceptional City services
Past year’s City budgets, quarterly reports and information about the City’s budget process can be found at