Updated November 12, 2020

Now that fall is in full swing, you can begin ramping down your water usage. A combination of shorter days and cooler nights means less evaporation and reduced irrigation for your landscapes. It’s also a good time to consider fall plantings, too!
Ramping down doesn’t mean stopping all watering
Ramping down your landscape irrigation does not mean you need to stop watering all together. Use our irrigation calculator to determine how much water your landscape needs based on sprinkler types and seasonal changes. Visit www.beyondthedrought.com to get started. Also invest in a moisture meter (a screwdriver works just the same) to test the soil before watering.
Fall plantings? Yes, please.
Fall season is also a great time to put in new plants – they spend their time growing their root system instead of leaves and flowers. However, new plants need more frequent watering to help them establish. As the rains begin, you may not need to water as much using your own irrigation system. Keep in mind that new plants need some time to anchor in the ground before the first freeze, so do not plant too late in the season to avoid damage.
Do not irrigate when it rains
It is not necessary to irrigate when it rains, or on days following a good rain event. Using nature as your source of landscape watering is great, especially during the fall and winter.
For other helpful tips, visit www.roseville.ca.us/savewater