Goodbye summer, hello garden! Let’s get planting

Updated October 21, 2024
Goodbye summer, hello garden! Let’s get planting

Now’s the perfect time to plant the water-wise garden you’ve been dreaming about. The scorching summer days are behind us, but the soil is still warm and welcoming for new plants.

Planting now means your new greenery will have plenty of time to settle in before winter hits. Plus, with cooler days and moist soil, your plants will need less water to thrive. Here’s how to get started:

Planting tips to get you growing:

  • Go native: Choose low-water native plants that love our local climate.

  • Hydrozone like a pro: Group plants with similar water needs together. You’ll get healthier plants and save water, too!
  • Right plant, right place: Make sure your new plants have enough room to reach their full size. Happy plants mean less pruning for you!
  • Upgrade your irrigation: Consider adding high-efficiency rotators or drip irrigation to save even more water.

Other ways to save water:

  • Trade your grass for a waterwise garden: Check out our water efficiency rebates at for all the details.
  • Need a little help? Schedule a free Water Wise House Call! We’ll analyze your water use, share water-saving tips, and even give you some water-saving devices—totally free! Book an appointment at or call (916) 774-5761.
For more water-wise tips, visit or

Get outside, get dirty, and watch your water-wise garden grow!