Updated November 21, 2019

A new collaboration has formed between the City of Roseville Police Department and Placer County Health and Human Services - Children’s System of Care. This new pilot program, called the Family Mobile Team, has formed to support youth and families throughout Roseville. The program is funded in part by the City of Roseville, Placer County, and statewide Mental Health Services Act dollars.
The Family Mobile Team or FMT is a new and innovative tool Police Officers can use to help support people in need. Very often, Patrol Officers respond to calls regarding juveniles with issues of running away from home, truancy from school, substance abuse, mental health or even threats of suicide. In situations like this, only so much can be done with an Officers visit. This is where the FMT is called in to support the youth or family in need of services. When Patrol Officers leave the situation, members of the FMT stay on scene and work with families to create a plan to improve the circumstances.
One of the unique aspects of this pilot program is the Family Mobile Team will be housed and work out of the Roseville Police Department. The members of the FMT will also work off of the Roseville Police radio system, to be called into action at a moment’s notice. The FMT will consist of Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Health and Human Services Supervisors, and Family and Youth Advocates.
The FMT will be staffed 7 days a week between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. FMT will not replace Child Protective Services but will provide several additional resources to minors and their families during times of crisis.
This collaboration is just one more example of how the Roseville Police Department and Placer County Health and Human Services is committed to increasing positive mental health and the overall quality of life throughout the region. We look forward to the evolution of this great program and the results the increased assistance will show for families in need.
[in the photo, left to right, Sgt. Jeff Beigh, Candyce Skinner, Megan Jones, Scott Myers, Lisa Garcia, Andrey Feytser, and Lt. Brian Lewis]