Lane closures on Fiddyment Road

Updated December 10, 2024
Road work near the median will begin on Fiddyment Road, just north of Pleasant Grove Boulevard, starting the week of December 10. During this time, one southbound lane will be closed, and the northbound bike lane will also be unavailable.  

The construction is related to the nearby shopping center and is expected to take approximately five to six weeks to complete. To minimize traffic delays, some work will be scheduled overnight. The overnight work will occur from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.

Keep an eye on digital message signs to display up-to-date schedule information.

Construction is being completed by a private commercial developer. It’s the responsibility of developers to make roadway improvements as part of constructing new developments. Learn more about how development occurs in Roseville. Call (916) 774-5339 or email the City of Roseville’s Development Services Department with questions.

Schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather or other unforeseen conditions. 

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