Updated February 19, 2020

Something big happened over the weekend. You probably didn’t even notice. The residents of West Roseville just got a little added police coverage.
Thanks to the additional funding provided by Measure B, the City of Roseville and Roseville Police Department are excited to announce the official opening of police beat seven.
After months of planning, community outreach, and infrastructure building, police beat seven opened on Saturday, 2/15/2020. This was a huge milestone for the City of Roseville as the new beat seven will add dedicated patrol officers, specifically assigned to the Western most edge of our City. This adjustment also allowed for realignment across some of the other police beats, enhancing the coverage across the City.
The Police Department operates within a beat structure. This means dedicated officers are assigned to each police beat. This provides consistency for the neighborhood within a beat, having the same officer(s) work a specific area to learn and understand the nuances. Until this weekend, the City of Roseville had six police beats.
The increased funding to the Police Department added new officers and the ability to provide more strategic coverage citywide. Measure B also funded an additional motor officer who will be tasked with traffic safety and enforcement within the new beat seven, among other responsibilities.
The Roseville Police Department is always looking for the most effective way to reduce crime throughout the City. The addition of police beat seven is just the next evolutionary step to keeping quality of life high through refined policing strategies.