Updated November 11, 2019

The Roseville Police Department is excited to announce safety and security changes in the Downtown Roseville corridor. The City of Roseville and Roseville Police Department have entered into a contract with First Security Services to assist with driving and walking patrols, parking enforcement, and council meeting security.
The uniformed armed guards from First Security Services (in light blue) will work in coordination with police officers to help mitigate quality of life issues in our downtown. First Security Services will also assist with special events as well as respond to certain calls for service, including:
• loitering/trespassing
• parking garage complaints
• parking enforcement
• suspicious people not related to a crime in progress.
First Security Services will patrol on foot and in marked vehicles in the downtown Roseville business district, Historic Old Town, and City buildings/parking garages. Guards will be on-duty seven days a week.
This is a new partnership to help supplement and enhance the safety of our downtown areas, city facilities, and Downtown Roseville Partnership member properties. First Security Services will provide a highly visible and consistent presence for all stakeholders downtown.
Roseville Police Department Officers will continue to handle calls for crimes in progress, disturbances, and anything involving a weapon or violence.
For all general calls, questions, or concerns, continue to call Roseville Police Dispatch non-emergency line at 916-774-5000.
For a crime in progress or an emergency please call our emergency line at 911 or 916-786-6444.